我叫唐炜臻, 是美国股市几十年的市场观察者和参与者,金融企业家,思想家,战略家,足智多谋,“华人巴菲特”,”国际金融领域的中国符号“品牌打造者,一个金融工程师,一个为投资人谋利益,值得信任的财富创造者。
我重视的是自己的眼光,智慧和胆量和赚大钱的交易系统为投资人赚钱的人以成就大业。我有自己的专著 “我的巴菲特财富之路”一书,有中英文版,网上和我自己有很多关于我的正反面文章,有很多我的视频和我有大量的股票交易记录,
跟华为一样,我在金融方面非常成功,有自己的金融和司法理论和实践 ,具有极大的发展前景,遭西人嫉妒和迫害,被控欺诈,因为没有律师和辩护,我被非法定罪。我开始研究西方的法律和司法实践。
我有十多年的法庭经验,美国证券方面和各种司法的经验和法庭记录,我是公众关注的人物。 我希望为你们这样的美国上市公司出谋划策,为你们在北美市场发展和长治久安做贡献。
我懂北美的企业,市场方式,市场语言和美国证券的司法。我懂[i]市场语言,懂投资人,懂西方的证券法律法律,我有丰富的实践经验和知名度,我可以帮你们带来有大量的资金,比你们苦干,实干强百倍。 我可以为你们公司做出巨大贡献,一个人的工作顶几十,几百人的工作,让你们事半功倍。
你们跟大多数中国在北美的上市公司一样缺乏像 赵长鹏和我一样的北美社会和市场沟通能力,目前你们公司的市值值10个亿美元左右,我可以帮你们的公司市值提高10倍或者百倍。
A Letter to The Chairman And Chief Executive President Of SOS Limited Mr. Wang Yandai from The Chinese Warren Buffett
The Chinese Warren Buffett to the Chairman and Executive President of SOS Limited
Letter to Mr. Wang Yandai
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Hello, Mr. Wang Yandai!
Your company is very large, cover very wide area and very new business and requires superior wisdom and management capabilities.
My name is Tang Weizhen. I am a market observer and participant in the US stock market for decades, a financial entrepreneur, thinker, strategist, I am resourceful, “Chinese Buffett”, “Chinese symbol in the field of international finance,” brand builder, and a financial engineer. A trustworthy wealth creator for the benefit of investors.
What I value is most my vision, wisdom and courage and a trading system that makes a lot of money for investors in order to serve investors to achieve great cause. I have my own monograph, “My Path to Warren Buffett’s Wealth” “the Chinese Warren Buffett” in both Chinese and English. There are many positive and negative articles about me online, a lot of my videos (www.youtube.com/c/weizhentang, The Chinese Warren Buffet BNN Interview Part 1 https://youtu.be/yui0t87qybk via @YouTube) and I have a lot of stock trading records (Tang’s Sensational $1M Real Time US Index Futures and Forex Trading Dem… https://youtu.be/XzLCJp3ljKE via @YouTube) ,
Like Huawei, I am extremely successful in finance. I have my own financial and judicial theory and practice. I have great development prospects. I was been jealous and persecuted by Canadian prosecutors and regulatory and wrongfully accused of fraud. Because I didn’t have a lawyer and legal representatives, I was illegally and unlawfully convicted so I have to study Western law and judicial practice and fight with the regulatory body and for justice.
I have more than ten years of court experience, have experience and court records in North American securities and did various judicial matters. I am a figure of public concern. I hope to make suggestions for Chinese U.S. listed companies like yours and contribute to your corporate development and long-term stability in the North American market.
I have a great crisis management skills and public relations skills and I have many proves and useful cases to demonstrate my ability. I recently pay attention to your stock from the following Yahoo article. Many investors are like me get to know you. The popularity of the market is invaluable which can be transformed into the company’s huge wealth and resources.
I understand North American companies, the market, the market language, and the judicial and legal language of North American securities. I understand market language, investors, and North American securities laws and law firms. I have rich and practical experience and reputation. I can help your company bring a large and continuous capital from the market to you. It is better than just your hard work. My work worth hundred times than you can do and make a great contribution to your company. The work of one person of mine can do the work of dozens or hundreds of people, which will make you more effective.
You, like most Chinese listed companies in North America, lack the North American social and market communication skills and Investors Relationship like Binance exchange CEO Mr. Zhao Changpeng and me. The current market value of your company is about 1 billion U.S. dollars. I could help your company grow market value by 10 times or a hundred times. What I need is a reward package that shocks Wall Street like ELON MUSK
Sincerely yours
Weizhen Tang
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Hello, Mr. Wang Yandai!
Your company is very large, cover very wide area and very new business and requires superior wisdom and management capabilities.
My name is Tang Weizhen. I am a market observer and participant in the US stock market for decades, a financial entrepreneur, thinker, strategist, I am resourceful, “Chinese Buffett”, “Chinese symbol in the field of international finance,” brand builder, and a financial engineer. A trustworthy wealth creator for the benefit of investors.
What I value is most my vision, wisdom and courage and a trading system that makes a lot of money for investors in order to serve investors to achieve great cause. I have my own monograph, “My Path to Warren Buffett’s Wealth” “the Chinese Warren Buffett” in both Chinese and English. There are many positive and negative articles about me online, a lot of my videos (www.youtube.com/c/weizhentang, The Chinese Warren Buffet BNN Interview Part 1 https://youtu.be/yui0t87qybk via @YouTube) and I have a lot of stock trading records (Tang’s Sensational $1M Real Time US Index Futures and Forex Trading Dem… https://youtu.be/XzLCJp3ljKE via @YouTube) ,
Like Huawei, I am extremely successful in finance. I have my own financial and judicial theory and practice. I have great development prospects. I was been jealous and persecuted by Canadian prosecutors and regulatory and wrongfully accused of fraud. Because I didn’t have a lawyer and legal representatives, I was illegally and unlawfully convicted so I have to study Western law and judicial practice and fight with the regulatory body and for justice.
I have more than ten years of court experience, have experience and court records in North American securities and did various judicial matters. I am a figure of public concern. I hope to make suggestions for Chinese U.S. listed companies like yours and contribute to your corporate development and long-term stability in the North American market.
I have a great crisis management skills and public relations skills and I have many proves and useful cases to demonstrate my ability. I recently pay attention to your stock from the following Yahoo article. Many investors are like me get to know you. The popularity of the market is invaluable which can be transformed into the company’s huge wealth and resources.
I understand North American companies, the market, the market language, and the judicial and legal language of North American securities. I understand market language, investors, and North American securities laws and law firms. I have rich and practical experience and reputation. I can help your company bring a large and continuous capital from the market to you. It is better than just your hard work. My work worth hundred times than you can do and make a great contribution to your company. The work of one person of mine can do the work of dozens or hundreds of people, which will make you more effective.
You, like most Chinese listed companies in North America, lack the North American social and market communication skills and Investors Relationship like Binance exchange CEO Mr. Zhao Changpeng and me. The current market value of your company is about 1 billion U.S. dollars. I could help your company grow market value by 10 times or a hundred times. What I need is a reward package that shocks Wall Street like ELON MUSK
Sincerely yours
Weizhen Tang
唐炜臻的系列Zoom 视频会议
唐炜臻,荣获2008年中华十大财智人物最佳诚信奖,一位被媒体宣称的“华人巴菲特”,成功预测美国房地产经济危机, 给华人投资界带来了革命性的影响,是世界金融领域具有标志性的“中国符号”,也是海外华人中财智人物的典型代表。 唐炜臻不但对北美的金融,商业十分精通,而且对北美的司法,政治也有深入的了解,研究和实践 金融,几十年坚持不懈跟市场斗,莫把滚打,反诈骗,为投资人追求连续稳定回报,为投资人提出每周1% 的数量化的庄家 论理论和实践,对投资人和媒体公开演示操盘,史无前例,这种毅力与勇气,凭个人的声誉,人品,市场经验与技巧,3年融资6千万美元,在金融 海啸中能做到没有市场亏损,为投资人躲过一场世纪浩劫,管理资金灵活机动,投资人自由出入,无论亏损和赢利保持投资人的盈利水平和利益,主动为承担风险,你想想,这是什么思想,精神与境界,为什么会造成天大误会,被攻击的目标。 商业奇才: 加拿大华人春节联欢晚会震撼多伦多,财富峰会让人留恋不已,赞不绝口,地位是独占鳌头. 公益与慈善事业,一马当先,不顾自己和自己的生意上的安危,有救必应,一个毫不利己专门利人的人,愿意帮人的人,实属少见. 司法: 十多年的司法经验,大案重案在身,不卑不亢,临危不惧,以一对几十个大律师和法官,个人对强大的西方政府专政机器几年,近十年, 唐炜臻:试与权利机构一争高低 大家一起讨论和交流北美的投资经验和生财之道,如何才能从今天的市场赚到钱。 唐炜臻邀请大家通过视频讨论投资人和海外华人最关心的问题,财富与法制. 专题: 唐炜臻与投资人交流北美的投资经验和生财之道,如何才能从市场赚到钱,追求连续稳定回报,唐炜臻如何使投资人如何成为百万,千万,亿万富翁 话题包括: 目前美国的市场,如何应对,避免风险,得到连续稳定回报 北美的金融市场与庞氏骗局,拆东墙补西墙 唐炜臻每周1% 理论与实践的作用与意义,为什么公众和投资人误解与权利机关对唐炜臻的攻击与阻难 加拿大与西方法制的本质与对策,如何轻松应对司法,避免家庭悲剧 加拿大为什么说是犯罪天堂,唐炜臻真的犯罪了吗 海外华人如何发展壮大,北美的机会与挑战 唐炜臻如何使投资人如何成为百万,千万,亿万富翁,真的假的 唐炜臻如何集资金与人才于一体,成为北美华人金融中心 时间: 每个周末星期六和星期美加东部时间下午 4点 诚挚邀请你加入 唐炜臻的系列Zoom 视频会议 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5520162796?pwd=NXV4eWYyNHR0aVhCMW1HZ2ZZcG03dz09 Meeting ID: 552 016 2796 Passcode: 4CGbRB 唐炜臻视频将在视频网站转播
”我的巴菲特财富之路“一书带您走向财富顶峰 (视频)
作者以为,巴菲特式的投资方式堪称世界顶级,“巴菲特投资成功的奥妙,首先是他对生意、对金融市场的认识和特殊的判断能力。。。。。。。巴菲特的投资理论:在最低价格时买进股票,然后就耐心等待。别指望做大生意,如果股票价格低廉,即使中等生意也能获得丰厚的利润。巴菲特的投资哲学首要之处是要记住股市大崩溃,不要亏损。 即要以稳健的策略投资,确保自己的资金不受损失,并且要永远记住这一点。”接着,作者又指出:“其次,让自己的资金以中等速度增长。巴菲特主要的投资目标都是一些具有中等增长潜力的企业,并且这些企业被认为可以持续增长。对此,投资者可能会大惑不解:进入高风险的股票市场,不找出大黑马、不追逐热点、不跟庄,真是生不如死。本来,股市之大,每一个投资者有权对自己的投资负责;但一旦投机形成风潮,甚至传媒也在推波助澜,可以想象一下大部分人的结局。”作者悟到:“巴菲特投资成功的另一个奥妙是巴菲特利用合伙人企业,把投资人的资金集中在一起,用巴菲特的经验和判断进行高效率、低风险和低成本的管理。但这一点我们很少人去做,而大多是每个人自己去做;但事实是,每件事都自己做风险极大。”他又进一步指出:“巴菲特合伙人公司使他的才能得到充分发挥。随着投资额的不断增加,投资可以有效地分散,风险得到了有效的控制,大家的投资成本(包括佣金)也成倍往下降。巴菲特利用合伙人制使投资成功的另一个重要优点是:与顾客利益一致,能排除各种干扰。”
我为什么没有投资特斯拉股票,很多人跟我一样后悔不已, 吐血了
机会总是给有准备的头脑,有眼光和胆量的人。我当时没有注意,没有了解,直到他股票冲向天空,才注意到。 现在不投资我,等我成为千万,亿万和世界首富的时候,很多人也会后悔,我会骗人吗,怎么骗?有人说我投资人把他们的钱都亏到市场上去。 Why I did not invest in Tesla, Inc. an American electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Palo Alto, California. Tesla’s current products include electric cars, battery energy storage from home to grid scale, solar panels and solar roof tiles, and related products and services Most of People do not notice this stock until it skyrockets like me. If I knew Elon Musk I would have invest him and his company. He is a genius and Wall Street favorite. I am a genius too so do not forget to study me and my talent in the financial industry. You are not late . 唐炜臻众筹 https://gf.me/u/zbhpn5 埃隆-马斯克,大名鼎鼎的超级天才 震惊华尔街的薪酬计划 2012年,在马斯克的带领下,特斯拉的市值达到了39亿美元之巨。 这一年,马斯克和特斯拉的董事会达成了协议,把自己的年薪降低到了3.7万美元,也就是月薪3000美元的水平。 而且马斯克还公开表示将不会兑现公司发给他的支票,实现彻底的零薪酬。 为什么马斯克为公司工作还不要钱? 因为董事会授予了马斯克在当时价值7810万美元的股票期权。 这钱可真多,特斯拉的董事会怎么这么大方,其他小股东也同意给马斯克这么多钱么? 难道不领工资,就可以拿这么值钱的期权? 当然不是,根据董事会和马斯克之间的协议,这批期权的兑现是有条件的。 马斯克必须在十年之内,让只值39亿的特斯拉,市值超过432亿美元。 达不到这个条件,则期权作废,马斯克白干十年。 如果达到了这个条件,那么马斯克会被授予现值7810万美元的期权股票,如果到时候市值再翻10倍,就是7.8亿美元。 发7.8亿美元的工资贵不贵? 很贵,但如果马斯克带着一个只值39亿美元的特斯拉赚到了接近400亿美元。 那7.8亿美元的工资可真不贵。 这样的CEO,有多少我要多少。 但马斯克只花了5年多,就让特斯拉的市值增长了10倍,成功的拿到了这笔巨额期权。 2018年1月,特斯拉董事会通过决议,公布了埃隆·马斯克未来十年的薪酬方案。 奖金规模之大,震动了整个华尔街。 根据特斯拉董事会的决议,未来十年,特斯拉不需要给马斯克支付一分钱的工资。 但是,未来特斯拉会授予马斯克价值550亿美元的期权。 整个华尔街,乃至于全球,就没见过这么恐怖的奖励计划。 但在特斯拉的股东大会上,大小股东们一致通过了这个计划,心甘情愿的给马斯克钱。 因为马斯克想拿到这550亿美元,就需要在十年之内,带领特斯拉达到市值6500亿美元的水平。 而2018年的特斯拉,市值才432亿美元。 宝马、法拉利、通用这些老牌汽车巨头,到今天,市值也就500~600亿美元的水平。 马斯克说,他的特斯拉价值12个法拉利或者宝马。 呵呵哒,马斯克你自己开心就好。 你自己签的合同说你未来十年不要工资的哦,达不到自己宣称的目标导致拿不到钱,这可不怪我们哦。 因为这个目标过于吓人,特斯拉董事会善解人意的将这笔奖励计划分解为了12层,每达到一层就可以拿到少量部分奖励。 但即便如此,每一层要求增长的市值也达到了500亿美元之巨。 哪怕只达到第一层,也需要让特斯拉的市值翻倍,或者说再造一个宝马。 也只有马斯克这样的狂人,才敢提出这样的薪酬计划。 被资本侵蚀的马斯克 马斯克对于利润和效率的无止尽追求,是一种典型的资本主义精英的行为。 确实带给了人类福祉,但天才的马斯克,最终也被资本侵蚀。 在2018年和董事会达成了新的薪酬激励计划后,马斯克开始疯狂的想尽一切办法提升特斯拉的产能。 为了提升产能,马斯克甚至直接睡在了工厂的地板上,不断的优化特斯拉的生产流程。 但是这还是不够,美国的产能不足。 为此,早已成为了亿万富翁的马斯克,千里迢迢的来到了中国上海,在这里和当地政府官员一起吃煎饼果子,只为了能找到一个满意的地方建特斯拉超级工厂。
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唐炜臻正在从是一个冷门,十分重要的工作和事业,造福海外华人和全球华人的事业,走法律财富之路。 华人对打官司一直没有认识,人们害怕司法,没有信心,纷纷避而远之,没有人知道我目前的司法斗争的重要性和深远意义,所以不支持,更不赞助。
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孩子,挺住!, 人总会遇到困难的,但要相信艰难的时候会过去的! 不要放弃你的信仰。。
Why I give investors money, return, not
Why I give investors money, return, not risk? It is true or false
It is a well-known fact that investment is risk, It is unbelievable for someone to bear others’ investment losses, which is the only reason I went to the prison.
Why I give investors money and take risks for investors? Because I am a capable, credible person, dare to think, dare to say, dare to do and to be responsible, be a very famous, a promising and momentum-driving person, I make the Western society and their people fear, I mastered the two magic weapons of Western society: Finance and Justice.
Many people generally think that it is a lie to give investors money, because people are used to defraud investors’ money, and the suppression of the government’s judicial system has given me a brand of a crime, stop me to give investors money to make me a criminal, my great dream and goals have been slanged to become a scam.
People don’t know and completely misunderstand the purpose and motivation of me taking risks for investors.
I am kind, ethical, conscience, proactive and charismatic leader, daring to be the first. It is the key and core of the road to my wealth that goes to Weizhen Tang Wealth, that is, for investment. People make money, in fact, there are very profound reasons and mysteries to give investors’ money, not to take their money. I always wanted to explain to everyone and the public to correct people’s misunderstandings about me and to succeed.
The purpose of the investment is to make money, not for risk. The government and people stress that the risk is to be the responsibility of the investor, because most people do not know how to invest, once they invest, the loss is affirmative, it is a matter of the time, if they lose, they should not blame others for their losses , give the troubles for other people, even go to the court, there is a reasons for it, capitalist is a casino and make investors to gamble. The people’s brains have already been washed to take their own loss.
The average person does not know how to invest and where to go and does not have the risk-taking ability.
Most investment managers do not have the ability and willingness to take the risk for others. This is what Weizhen Tang differs from others.
Everyone knows that if you want to make money, you must invest. You need to make money with money , that is the way to make money in the western society.
The best way to make money is to find a good and capable investor, or to find some stocks, speculate foreign currencies, to invest in real estate, or private business or projects.
Everyone is different, and each has its own opinions and practices. The most effective way about investing is to find the people who can make money, I choose to invest people who can make money and the stocks they operate, and find the driving force behind the people and the stock and the strength of progress. I carefully observe and watch them. Therefore, the way I invest in stocks is to Watch the people, the key is to look at the company’s CEO , his character, his motivation, his ideals and goals, the way to make money, is the investor, not the table s and charts and reports.
So I want investors to invest is to invest me, investing in me, study my character, my ability and confidence about my ideals and goals, researching my abilities and past experience, not the stocks and foreign exchange I invest in, or other investment vehicles. My Investors feel that it makes sense to invest in me, so hundreds of investors give me the money, total 59 million dollars in three years.
The investment I choose must be profitable, at least 1% or more per week, and has to be more than 50% a year. So I can promise investors 1% per week which I have a well-documented evidence that I could do. I cannot just say it by using my head. I said that it’s that I am honest. Otherwise it is the real liar. I used to, and now in order to achieve my goal. I must prove that I am a person who can make real money, not by saying, but by doing it, doing it for everyone, and being a person honest. I not only use past performance, but also have to use real performance. Investors are very difficult to convince to give me the money , it needs actions because they give you their life time savings and hard-earned money. In order to convince my investors that I am a profitable generating person, there is no risk to invest with me , I will do my best to protect them.
I have recorded my previous experiences and deeds and wrote a book ‘ The Chinese Warren Buffett “ Many people have watched me. First I tell investors and the public the real story, then, I gave the investors a live demonstration of how I made money from the stock market and foreign exchange market, where is my 1% return and risk theory and practice, my 1% market making theory is also suitable in casinos to make money, I shew and gave some big and Important investors demonstrate my money-making skills and magic weapons in the casino and works , I raised tens of millions through my casino demos.
My most effective demonstration is in 1996, in the investor’s mutual fund account in 1997, dozens, even hundreds of mutual fund investors watched and check me and their investment accounts every day, saw my trading and performance I performance in their accounts , how I invested for them in a time People were shocked, amazed, and excited. It’s a astonishment news go viral and spread to the whole Toronto Chinese Community and beyond.
Because of my good and well known reputation, In 1999 a Chinese billionaire found me and wanted to cooperate with me and invited me to visit China to visit Xi’an and Beijing, I did.
The second fruitful demonstration was that after I experienced the big bear market in the North America stock market, I went to dead end, because the market is not good enough for investors to fear, not to invest, even if they invest in other places with serious losses, they must take money from us to fill other investments. Loss, In the absence of investors and funds, I went to the largest North American stock forum and I used my unique vision, superhuman wisdom, and rich stock market experience to give real time stock tips, solve their problems in real time, and give them my market analyses. Jiangshan, for a while, the netizens were so excited, amazed, and exclaimed that they called me a stock god or guru, claimed that they found an investors’ savior.
The name of my stock god and Chinese Warren Buffett was coming from here, not self-styled or self claimed. With this experience, my book is much richer, more lively and exciting to read. This public demonstration and performance of the North American Wenxue City lead and laid the foundation for the development of my later “Chinese Warren Buffett “ Wealth Road to success. At that time I started to write a lot of articles about investment based on my own experience and thoughts. I published them on the Internet. One of the articles was Weizhen Tang’s talk about “my view of the mystery of Warren Buffett’s investment”, which attracted the attention of some Chinese authorities. Then, in 2004, I was invested by the President of the Asia Pacific Presidents’ Association. To give public speeches to Chinese National Audience the event was Warren Buffett’s theory and practice, the Wealth Forum, which made a sensation in Beijing and Shanghai. Through this performance on the national stage, I decided to write and publish a book.
2006 “My Buffett Wealth Road” was officially published by the Economic Daily Press in China, the publisher is controlled directly by the State Council of China.
The main content of my book is that I am a person who can make money and how to lead everyone to get rich quick and safe.
A mainland immigrant from the Wall Street financial market in North America, a leading international Chinese figure. When people read this book, especially after carefully reading this book, they can’t help but invest in me.
Everyone said that they read my book before investing in me and why they invest. My Chinese translator told the police said that he invested in me because he read and translate my book and believe everything I said in the book, which is on YouTube and other investors also said this in court when the crown called them witness.
Because of Ontario Securities Commission and the police, the court, Now if investors are afraid to invest in me and avoid being fooled by my book, they decide not to read my book, not to listen to me, to refuse Weizhen Tang’s wealth and temptation, afraid to swatch how I trade stocks and foreign exchange. Because of my stock investing and foreign exchange trading, the trading of options are magical, unique, poisonous, and irresistible temptation.
At the beginning of 2008, I wrote to the media and the world that the US financial market and system were on the verge of collapse so I didn’t invest much and watching the market down and wait for opportunities so we didn’t lose money from 2008 to 2009.
Because my Investors and investors in North American and the World are afraid of the financial tsunami, they run on me and withdrew the money, I did not lose money in the crisis so I feel very fortunate and proud. I hosted the 2009 the second North American Chinese Wealth Summit to celebrate my great success. I made a keynote speech and caused a great sensation.
To be more convincing from January 25th to 30th, 2009, and to prevent the big impact of the financial tsunami, I did not hesitate to demonstrate my real time trading on the first day of lunar Chinese Year, my trading skills and performance to investors and the media.
On January 25th is the New Year’s Day, I use one million dollar investment to trade currencies and earned US$310,000 in a few hours which was video recorded and reported by many media outlets , there is trading record of the Interactive Brokers Canada Inc. because it was the first time facing the media and all my investors, the pressure was huge, the 5-day demonstration was not very ideal, The move was shocking. In fact, we still had another account with about 1 million. From mid-January to mid-month, Ii trade and earned 5 million dollar profits in five weeks. I received $1 million incentive and service fees. I have all given all to overseas Chinese Fund Limited partnership investors.
Because the financial tsunami investors were running on me, some people did not get the money in time and in a hurry, they complained to me through a lawyer. The lawyer did not contact me , but OSC.
At the time of crisis, OSC found me as a target and profiled me as a scapegoat of the financial Tsunami.
Because I don’t understand the Western laws, nobody does, I was maliciously charged and wrongfully convicted a crime over $ 5000 by Canadian authority, the western countries and the so-called law. I was slandered.
I was processed by The Canadian national machine and was shattered. Because of my strong will and hard work, I have studied the laws of Canada and the judicial means, the way to plunder and persecute our new immigrants.
I can now make big money with Canadian law and make back the loss. I want the Canadian government pay for investors through legal means.
In the past, Ontario securities commission would love to catch people like me who are famous and rich. Now they may be afraid to catch me because I understand their law. I also can use the law to catch their wrongful actions and problems. I have already caught their misbehavior and evil.
Many people, including lawyers, do not understand the law. I have studied Canadian law for nearly a decade, and I went to court many times to deal with judges and lawyers more than anyone else. My judicial experience is extremely rich.
I can manage lawyers and give them command and my management skills. Therefore, my future lawsuit will be handy. Many people are now looking for me to help them with a lawsuit, but they have no money. Once I make money from the financial market, I will help them fight for real crimes, the crime judge and lawyers make.
Investment must be risky. In order to have investors to invest in me, I must attract investors and be credibility.
First of all, I must be a person who can make money and give investors a certain return and make them safe.
Investing in the US financial market is the best way to enter the United States and go global. There are many varieties in the US market, including stocks, bonds, options, and futures. There are many tricks, strategies , you can short and go long, the US financial market is huge, there is government regulation and supervision, and the money is safe in their own account and reliable on its own account. North American stock investment and securities trading are legal contracts with high credibility, high transparency, the index and ETFs are relatively small in volatility, easy to control risks, and make easy and stable returns.
I used to give investors a live demonstration how I do and what I do and when I do. I gave the investors money generously, the purpose of giving investors money is promote and advertise so that all investors can benefit, as soon as possible for me to achieve institutional and national sovereign investment management so I can use big money to make safe return, use huge funds to make money, and make money with the market dealer’s position. It is easy to use one hundred million and ten billions to earn tens of millions.
Therefore, it is not difficult to invest money. The financial market in North America is a casino for most investors.
If you invest, you will lose money. If you gamble, you will lose money. If you do business, you will lose. Many people don’t know the truth. Investment is a trap everywhere.
I can’t pay back investors now. The problem now is that investors and people are working hard without careful study and thinking, they lose confidence of me and think that my reputation is ruined, and there will be no chance for in the financial investment.
Investors can no longer see if Weizhen Tang has any magical power and will not come back again. The only thing I can’t do now is out of thin air or virtual, empty talk, but I need to work hard to make real money for investors. Money Talks .
there must be people with vision, judgement and courage and want to make real money. Investors can choose not to choose me, but relatively speaking, there is no other choices.
If people refuse to contact Weizhen Tang’s investment and resist Tang’s investment, I naturally can’t pay back the money.
Remember what Baidu’s encyclopedia says, we should not forget that:
I ,Weizhen Tang , won the Best Integrity Award of China’s Top Ten Financial Intelligence Persons in 2008, a “Chinese Warren Buffett” declared by the media, successfully predicted and avoided the US subprime mortgage crisis, brought revolutionary influence to the Chinese investment community, is the world’s financial The field has the iconic “Chinese symbol” and is also a typical representative of wealthy Chinese in overseas Chinese.
毁誉是政治,是法律,也是生意和卑鄙手段 兼谈孟晚舟事件 Leave a Comment / Blogs / By admin
唐炜臻从93年介入美国的股市,从零开始经过近二十年的摸爬滚打,从互惠基金,股票,期权,期货,外汇 发展了一套理论与系统,一路攀升成为举世瞩目的“华人巴菲特”,国际金融的“中国符号“。因为金融海啸,加拿大政府和司法部门把我当成美国和世界金融危机的替罪羊,剥夺我的一切和权力,把我打成罪犯,诈骗犯。竟然有人相信唐炜臻是一个骗子,不会投资,不会炒股票,没有市场赢利能力。一些刚刚进入市场,赚了点钱的投资人就变成了股神,大师,竟然有人相信,而对一个有几十年经验的人不闻不问,并认为有几十年经验的市场老人已经过时,没用了。 荒唐可笑,我有那多年的交易记录和法庭记录,有几个人花时间精力心思研究过。现在的人都没有头脑,从众的人多。我是毁誉的受害者,从一个股神变成了诈骗犯,进过监狱,坐过牢,有人说我的信誉已经破产了。他们从来没有想过我对他们的作用与意义,价值, 在复杂而变化的世界局势和环境中,正是发现人才,用人的时候,唐炜臻对投资人具有极大的作用和利益。
又回到华为事件举例说明, 最近消息,12月3日,有传言称美国司法部代表正和孟晚舟的辩护律师讨论以“延期起诉协议”(DPA)换取孟晚舟自由等问题。
在2014年6月,美国司法部及其曼哈顿联邦检察官办公室、美联储、美国财政部等多家机构,曾以签署书面认罪协议方式,从法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribus)处取得89.7亿美元巨额罚款。
从某种意义上来说,释放“孟晚舟认罪”之类的传言可能是行将完结的特朗普(Donald Trump)当局在2020年末的最后一搏,因为特朗普方面很希望向外界展示他从北京得到的好处,尽管中国、华为公司或者孟晚舟都不可能接受一份勒索协议,但外界只要能从中隐约感觉到一点中国的“让步”,这就多少能让美国国内舆论萌发一点信心。
专题: 为什么投资人赚钱要从美国股市的ETFs 开始 ,一个老投资人的成功经验
美国股市和金融市场就是一个大赌场,很多人都想在股市赚钱,赚大钱,快钱,就像在赌场赌博一样,当玩百家乐遇到长庄,有人赚到了大钱,一堆筹码摆在胸前,非常诱人,因此很多人就跟去了,现在美国股市就是一个长长的庄,我不跟庄,宁愿错过不后悔。我愿做空,死而无憾。几个月来我一直做空ETFs,逢高做空,我 做多时间和比例太少,尽管没怎么赚到钱,亏的也不多,但投资人不那么看,认为别人都在赚钱,你怎么会亏。因此否定我的每周1%的庄家思想与理论,神话。我的每周1%的庄家思想与理论是一种战略,庄家位置,而不是战术上一时一事和操盘技术,坚持就是胜利,我一定能够战胜市场,为投资人赚到钱,并且会做到连续稳定回报。
我在北美,在市场和法庭几十年的实践经验和教训,我将通过视频跟大家分享,都是免费的。我现在学习网络技术广泛传播,一定很受欢迎,我再不从事一个,几个投资人和小的资金做示范。 投资成功的关键是资金量。 资金量决定你的心态,杠杆比例和成功率。ETFS 是最理想的赢利工具,无论是长线还是短线。
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Meeting ID: 552 016 2796
Passcode: 4CGbRB
因为病毒疫情大家困在家炒股,对投资感兴趣,加之美国联邦储蓄局对市场灌水救市,股市一路飙升,到了危险的时候,对一个专业从业者来说是极大的机会,为什么说是最坏的时候,如果投资人只会做多,没有经历过大风大浪,熊市,很多人的钱会付诸东流。 一个投资人自己投资,损失是没有地方,怪罪的,如果我们帮助你投资,一旦有丝毫损失,你就会找各种理由,怪罪,愤怒,指控,投诉,威胁,敲诈。我理解投资人,非常愿意为投资人排忧解难,承担风险。 为什么投资人赚钱要从美国股市的ETFs 开始 ,一个老投资人的成功经验 美国股市和金融市场就是一个大赌场,很多人都想在股市赚钱,赚大钱,快钱,就像在赌场赌博一样,当玩百家乐遇到长庄,有人赚到了大钱,一堆筹码摆在胸前,非常诱人,因此很多人就跟去了,现在美国股市就是一个长长的庄,我不跟庄,宁愿错过不后悔。我愿做空,死而无憾。几个月来我一直做空ETFs,逢高做空,我 做多时间和比例太少,尽管没怎么赚到钱,亏的也不多,但投资人不那么看,认为别人都在赚钱,你怎么会亏。因此否定我的每周1%的庄家思想与理论,神话。我的每周1%的庄家思想与理论是一种战略,庄家位置,而不是战术上一时一事和操盘技术,坚持就是胜利,我一定能够战胜市场,为投资人赚到钱,并且会做到连续稳定回报。 我在北美,在市场和法庭几十年的实践经验和教训,我将通过视频跟大家分享,都是免费的。我现在学习网络技术广泛传播,一定很受欢迎,我再不从事一个,几个投资人和小的资金做示范。 投资成功的关键是资金量。 资金量决定你的心态,杠杆比例和成功率。ETFS 是最理想的赢利工具,无论是长线还是短线。
诚挚邀请你加入 唐炜臻的系列Zoom 视频会议 https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5520162796?…
Meeting ID: 552 016 2796 Passcode: 4CGbRB
The pandemic has changed people’s buying behaviour. If you’re looking to start a business or you’re a business owner but don’t have a strong social media presence, you could be eliminated like all the businesses that are closing down each day. If you have a business and it is not making money probably due to these 3 reasons: 1. You don’t have awareness and people can’t find you. If people can’t find you, they will not buy your products or services. 2. Even though people can find you, how do you convert those people who interested to buy your products or services? So, you will need to create a lot of exposure and turn it into leads and enquiries. 3. Many of you will think just pay for advertisement then you can generate sales. But if you missed the conversion sequence, you will not be able to turn the leads and enquiries to sales I would like to invite you to join my Social Media to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Weizhen Tang’s Zoom Meeting Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5520162796?… Meeting ID: 552 016 2796 Passcode: 4CGbRB
第二届北美华人财富高峰论坛 Leave a Comment / Blogs / By admin 第二届北美华人财富高
第二届北美华人财富高峰论坛将是一次极不寻常的具有历史意义的财富峰会,这次峰会由唐炜臻财富俱乐部联合全球化合作基金会和加中企业家协会即将于2009 年1月17日在多伦多会展中心隆重召开。峰会将有来自加拿大,美国和中国的中西金融界,学术界,投资界,企业界,政界,文化界,华人社团领袖和新闻媒体等 各界精英参加,已出票约400张,人数将在400到500人的规模,将是一次集多伦多华 人和主流社会精英于一堂的盛会。现在会议筹备进入最后阶段,各方还在踊跃报名,会场布置富丽堂皇。
国际著名金融投资专家,加拿大帝国商业银行(Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce)资金和风险管理部高级副总裁,2008年中国国际风险大会会议主席约翰帕迪森博士(Dr. John Pattison)
演讲主题:How to Manage Finances During the Financial Crisis and After
海外华人在西方相对于主流社会是散户,力量弱小,应该具有庄家思想,只有向庄家位置转移,向庄家转化,才能一步步强大,并最终确立不可动摇的地 位。海外华人向庄家位置转移,就要聚集海外华人的力量,包括人才,资金,知识与组织,利用系统化管理和思想文化形成一股凝聚力,从而增强实力储备。同时, 必须借助于母国:利用中国的资源,进行海内外互补,加强自身和中国的联系,才能更迅速地发展壮大,获得源源不断的支援,确立永续的优势地位。
第二届北美华人财富高峰论坛将是一次汇聚精英智慧,解剖时局,共商危机对策,共谋海外华人,中国及世界的发展与前途的历史性盛会,它将成为海外华人在新世纪发展的一块重要路标。 (唐炜臻财富俱乐部)
为什么投资人赚钱要从美国股市的ETFs 开始 ,一个老投资人的成功经验
为什么投资人赚钱要从美国股市的ETFs 开始 ,一个老投资人的成功经验
美国股市和金融市场就是一个大赌场,很多人都想在股市赚钱,赚大钱,快钱,就像在赌场赌博一样,当玩百家乐遇到长庄,有人赚到了大钱,一堆筹码摆在胸前,非常诱人,因此很多人就跟去了,现在美国股市就是一个长长的庄,我不跟庄,宁愿错过不后悔。我愿做空,死而无憾。几个月来我一直做空ETFs,逢高做空,我 做多时间和比例太少,尽管没怎么赚到钱,亏的也不多,但投资人不那么看,认为别人都在赚钱,你怎么会亏。因此否定我的每周1%的庄家思想与理论,神话。我的每周1%的庄家思想与理论是一种战略,庄家位置,而不是战术上一时一事和操盘技术,坚持就是胜利,我一定能够战胜市场,为投资人赚到钱,并且会做到连续稳定回报。
我在北美,在市场和法庭几十年的实践经验和教训,我将通过视频跟大家分享,都是免费的。我现在学习网络技术广泛传播,一定很受欢迎,我再不从事一个,几个投资人和小的资金做示范。 投资成功的关键是资金量。 资金量决定你的心态,杠杆比例和成功率。ETFS 是最理想的赢利工具,无论是长线还是短线。
时间: 2020 年 11月 29日,星期六美加东部时间下午 4点
诚挚邀请你加入 唐炜臻的系列Zoom 视频会议
Meeting ID: 552 016 2796
唐炜臻,荣获2008年中华十大财智人物最佳诚信奖,一位被媒体宣称的“华人巴菲特”,成功预测美国房地产经济危机, 给华人投资界带来了革命性的影响,是世界金融领域具有标志性的“中国符号”,也是海外华人中财智人物的典型代表。
金融,几十年坚持不懈跟市场斗,莫把滚打,反诈骗,为投资人追求连续稳定回报,为投资人提出每周1% 的数量化的庄家 论理论和实践,对投资人和媒体公开演示操盘,史无前例,这种毅力与勇气,凭个人的声誉,人品,市场经验与技巧,3年融资6千万美元,在金融 海啸中能做到没有市场亏损,为投资人躲过一场世纪浩劫,管理资金灵活机动,投资人自由出入,无论亏损和赢利保持投资人的盈利水平和利益,主动为承担风险,你想想,这是什么思想,精神与境界,为什么会造成天大误会,被攻击的目标。
商业奇才: 加拿大华人春节联欢晚会震撼多伦多,财富峰会让人留恋不已,赞不绝口,地位是独占鳌头.
司法: 十多年的司法经验,大案重案在身,不卑不亢,临危不惧,以一对几十个大律师和法官,个人对强大的西方政府专政机器几年,近十年, 唐炜臻:试与权利机构一争高低
大家一起讨论和交流北美的投资经验和生财之道,如何才能从今天的市场赚到钱。 唐炜臻邀请大家通过视频讨论投资人和海外华人最关心的问题,财富与法制.
专题: 唐炜臻与投资人交流北美的投资经验和生财之道,如何才能从市场赚到钱,追求连续稳定回报,唐炜臻如何使投资人如何成为百万,千万,亿万富翁
- 目前美国的市场,如何应对,避免风险,得到连续稳定回报
- 北美的金融市场与庞氏骗局,拆东墙补西墙
- 唐炜臻每周1% 理论与实践的作用与意义,为什么公众和投资人误解与权利机关对唐炜臻的攻击与阻难
- 加拿大与西方法制的本质与对策,如何轻松应对司法,避免家庭悲剧
- 加拿大为什么说是犯罪天堂,唐炜臻真的犯罪了吗
- 海外华人如何发展壮大,北美的机会与挑战
- 唐炜臻如何使投资人如何成为百万,千万,亿万富翁,真的假的
- 唐炜臻如何集资金与人才于一体,成为北美华人金融中心,发挥集体力量和优势
时间: 2020 年 11月 27日,每个周末星期六和星期美加东部时间下午 2点
诚挚邀请你加入 唐炜臻的系列Zoom 视频会议
Meeting ID: 552 016 2796
Passcode: 4CGbRB
网站: http:www.weizhentang.today
电话: 4168868715
事业失败了人们说我是华人马道夫,马道夫是诈骗,没有拿客户的钱在市场投资,直接偷走,价值500亿,家财万贯,过着奢侈豪华的生活,而唐炜臻融资几千万,用客户的钱为客户投资,因为2008年巨大的市场海啸,融资的速度低不过取款,表演名义上每周1% ,其实要100% 不理想,导致挤兑,把每一分钱都挤出来给客户,还用自己赖以生存的唯一一套房屋抵押为投资人尽心尽力。
唐炜臻市场投资损失才一千多万,不是偷走500 个亿美元,所以根本不是华人马道夫。
华人巴菲特不是我自己封的,华人马道夫更不是我要的。唐炜臻不是华人巴菲特,也不是华人马道夫,目前唐炜臻因为全球金融市场和大经济的原因回天无力,辜负了投资人的信任,给投资人极大的打击和伤害,唐炜臻从道德和资金上已经是负债累累,现在有人说唐炜臻是唐纳德?特朗普,一个商业奇人,通过自己的书,电影电视和媒体的基本功夫和素质,能够灵活运用媒体的力量将从人生和生意的低谷绝地崛起,象唐纳德?特朗普一样,不按常规出牌,不怕风险,一生起伏跌宕。唐纳德。 特朗普(Donald Trump)在他人生最低谷的时候,债务高筑,总是能在失败中认真总结经验教训,面对现实,展望未来,写出人们喜爱的畅销书,把自己的事业推动起来,他总能把坏事变好事,一次又一次东山再起。也有人说唐炜臻可能是媒体大亨,亿万富豪莫道克,对媒体和媒体生意有一定的天赋和兴趣,在市场和媒体炒作得心应手,连续三届轰动海内外的华人春节联欢晚会,财富峰会和413万人集会是他的社会化,市场化,商业化运作的结果,充分体现极高的社会和市场能力,是唐炜臻独特的思维方式和思想而不是马道夫的金钱就可以做到的,可能做媒体生意赚大钱。
金融骗人需要跟政府好好注册,注册好骗人。 马道夫是前任纳斯达克主席,证券交易管理委員会主席考克斯的朋友。马道夫通过证券会注册的对冲基金进行诈骗,通常金融诈骗会利用监管部门的无效和失灵做掩护,主动跟证券会注册,就会天衣无缝,例如马道夫一个真正的诈骗犯认识证券机构所有的人就是最好的例证。马道夫是彻头彻尾的庞兹骗局,目的是偷,把投资人的钱据为己有,没有投资和正常的商业运作,手段是把新客户的钱付给老客户作为回报,从来不需要也不想要在市场里投资或者其他商业运作,不会负责投资人的损失,只有不知道从市场赚钱的人,不能从市场赚钱的人,或者明知从市场不能赚钱的人,才采取诈骗的方式与手段,只有源源不断的新客户加入才能维持庞兹骗局的运作,庞兹骗局是一种从本质上就极坏,把投资人的资金据为己有为目的恶劣的商业运作方式。庞兹运作方式在金融机构非常普遍,几乎所有的金融机构都运用庞兹,暂时地用新的资金转手付给取钱的客户,特别是国家养老,退休基金,保险和银行,包括美国和国家中央银行都是,但因为不是据为己有而作为正常手段和运作被大众和市场广泛接受,而我是个人和一个华人受到证券监管部门和主流媒体的轻视和歧视才被指责和嫌疑很不公平。
2008年的金融海啸,山崩地裂,让所有的金融机构和庞兹方式面临灭顶之灾,特别是美国的银行和保险公司纷纷倒闭,让投资人损失极端惨重,无数万个亿美元化为乌有,这次的金融海啸损失了一两代投资人和他们多年积累的财富,同时标志美国“庞茲骗局”时代的结束。而唐炜臻是一位资深投资人,投资人财富的捍卫者,跟投资人利益完全一致,世界上最负责任的高级基金管理人,唐炜臻的投资和运作在市场非常严峻的情况下,总的资金损失相对其他金融机构,基金公司,银行和个人而言是微不足道,多少个华尔街百年老店损失上千亿,2008年的金融危机还逼死了德国亿万富翁。唐炜臻几年来总融资6000万,总的市场损失1500万,比例只有25%,损失比同行和投资人自己投资少得多,表现高得多,海外华人基金运作采取秘密不公开方式,所有损失唐炜臻负责,不需要隐瞒投资损失。唐炜臻仅在2008年还融资3000万美元抵抗这巨大海啸取走的近3000万美元,避免了风险和极大的市场损失,在这样的一年里还能融资这么大,并且已经做到没有市场损失,实在不容易,只是因为跟承诺的和客户期望的相差巨大,客户不能理解和接受,没有市场损失投资人不喜反而不满,没有集体思想和观念,商业运作知识,完全可以理解。如果没有2008这么巨大的金融海啸和个别聪明投资人的人为干扰,唐炜臻完全可能融资上亿或者数亿美元,成功站在机构与大户的位置从市场上连续稳定盈利,为所有的投资人带来利益,唐炜臻在市场就会一举定乾坤,独占鳌头。唐炜臻通过独特的思维方式,庄家思想,极高的市场方式和手段,每周1%的理论与实践,在市场投资和演示吸引投资,经验非常丰富,一时的挫折和暂时的损失,千万不能误把好人当坏人一棍子打死,断了自己和别人的后路。唐炜臻金融投资有坚实的理论基础,长期丰富的市场经验和出色的市场交易记录,为加拿大市场经济和金融事业做出了巨大贡献,十几年交易从没有间断,涉及股票,债券,期货,期权和外汇等,每年交易佣金巨大,十多年总额可能达数千万,为加拿大创造了巨大的财富和无数的工作机会。根据唐炜臻自己的经验与悟性,唐炜臻金融投资到了历史性的转折点,正在朝着每周1% 连续稳定回报和确定庄家巨无霸的位置。
庞兹骗局一旦发现就告终 庞兹骗局一旦发现就告结束和终止,不能狡辩,也不可能狡辩,非法经营没有任何东山再起的机会和能力,所以必须认罪,按法律程序办。我们是生意受到挫折和失败,就像唐纳德?特朗普一样总结经验教训,把问题摆在桌面上,让大家一起想办法还可以再来。唐炜臻一开始就没有欺诈的意思和企图,一心一意要为投资人谋利益,做大事,是金融投资不是诈骗所以有必要说明和辩护,为投资人的利益着想,不能伴随庞兹骗局完了,谁来负责投资人的几千万呢?唐炜臻投资人的亏损有部分是市场正常亏损,大多数是承诺的盈利还没有实现,真正血本无归的并不多,而所有的亏损都是可以弥补的,我是一个理想主义和现实主义交替,不是有机结合很好的人,由于给自己高标准严要求,要让每一个投资人都满意,所以,给自己添了天大的麻烦和闹出天大的笑话和投资人的不满。从表面和现象上看,90%以上的人并没有任何生意头脑和庞兹骗局等法律知识和常识,误认为我是庞兹骗局,所以,投资人,媒体,证券会,警察局和律师根据现象都自然而然地往这方面去想和套,错误的思维和舆论导向给我和我的生意造成了极大的障碍,让投资人最后的希望几乎破灭,给投资人带来又一严重的打击,让投资人失望,甚至绝望。我们今后一定是正当,光明正大,公开透明的生意,不可能骗任何人,当一个毫无利益和特长的局外人来插手大家的投资的时候,或者生意一旦投资人自己插手,群龙无首的时候,或者突然出现一个没有思想和经验的别有用心的人的时候,更严重的是政府机构介入的时候,对生意的正常运转就会有害无益,一定出事,好生意也可以砸了,除非遇上真正的庞兹骗局犯罪行为必须政府部门的介入,打击犯罪的时候也会误伤好人。就像夫妻争吵,一方报警,从此家庭矛盾升级,再无宁日,司法程序完成后家庭彻底破裂。面对200 左右暂时受损失的投资人,任何一位失去理智就可以让大家都受到伤害,累及他人。个别人恨的是我,伤害的是大家和大家的利益。证券会对唐炜臻客户没有任何帮助,它们过去没有保护投资人,今天不能保护投资人,今后,仍然不能保护投资人,不是投资人的保护伞,它们只是一个注册机构,登记处,调查机构,不是为投资人盈利的机构,一旦投资人找错地方,只有使投资人的钱越来越少,不会越来越多,它们并不负责投资人的盈亏,不促进企业发展,而是打击犯罪行为,阻止进一步有人犯罪。证券会仅凭个别投资人一言之词,冒然冻结我们海外华人合伙人基金账户和唐炜臻公司账户是极不负责任的态度,停止唐炜臻证券合理合法交易是一个错误的决定,严重影响唐炜臻投资人和公众的利益。证券会不顾200人的意愿,极大的利益和要求,不评估,只根据个别人的要求就横加干预和强行管制,可以想象一个无利,无能,无风险,无知的人对任何公司和个人的调查都会干扰和阻碍正常的商业运作,起破坏作用,伤害无辜。 唐炜臻不是华人巴菲特,也不是华人马道夫,目前最可能是唐纳德.特朗普
America’s Role in China ‘s Human Rights
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
- How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Althoug
America has been a seemingly very promising and prominent country, but it has stopped and is no longer the most powerful country since WWII. They have been the country of the Free World, and have been one of the most powerful leaders in the World’s history. Although America has won most of their wars, and created one of the powerful nations during the four US administrations, their power is subject to be skeptical. They have not been the strongest and a model country, because the way USA policy is detrimental and unstable with how their country turns out to be, when looked upon critically over the three US administrations after World War
How America’s criticism of China’s Communism has directly affected China’s human rights and development and stopped international development and human rights. I will argue that the US critique from assumptions that America is universally the best nation in the world, rather than being a culturally unique and ideal country for the West. Countries do not grow as a state the same way, then why does America model itself as the ideal standard. I will look directly into the relationship of China after the Second World War, while being thorough with Cultural relativism argues that America’s culture and assumptions are relative, not widely-accepted, in the years following the Second World War. I will show how America’s own perceived information regarding the conditions of China, can lead to impulsive short sighted decisions that affect important aspects in China’s human rights and development.
In my argument, I will be talking about how it is detrimental to make the assumptions that America has made for China throughout the 2nd World War. By how assumptions have created a critical barrier to stop and created determinants towards human rights and the existence of Chinese citizens. I will be looking directly into arguments such as, China has no GDP, because they refuse to accept Western ideal of critiques. I will also look into the assumption that
because China is communist, their policy is directly detrimental to Chinese citizens. I acknowledge that this is how the twenty-first century turned out, but I am arguing that if America did not have this kind of critique, America would not need to deal with China in both the 2nd World War and the Korean War. This was due to America’s perception of China and how Communism was a bad governmental policy for a country. I will critically analyze using a cultural relativist perspective, as to the flaws with the way that America has chosen to win “their” wars. My argument is based upon the circumstances and the situations that China has been put under when they were considered a new country. This is critical because there was no political uprising from the creation of the People Republic of China. I will argue a more in depth analysis about the circumstances after World War II and philosophical theories that may have contributed to the construction of China and how America’s quick assumptions and demonization have created issues for structural progression, even in regards to human rights.
As human rights is an issue for many countries, the basis of continual human rights is in the United Nations Declaration of Human rights. The United Nations human rights are defined as rights given to everyone, because they are human (Universal Human Rights, 1998). For the sake of this argument, I will be arguing that certain rights, which are given without discrimination, are being denied because a country’s status and support is not fulfilled and thus causing issues towards building a secure and stable economy. I will be arguing in relationship to China-
American relationship and how denial of support due to the fact that America has an
anti-Communist policy at the time, greatly affecting China’s ability to rebuild itself as a country, after the Second World War.
Cultural Relativism
Cultural relativism is an important aspect towards understanding this relationship between China and America. I am not arguing that Cultural relativism is the absolute criteria for any other country, but a more expanded criteria to understand the circumstances of China, following the Second World War. America, as a Western nation, took part and won World War II, making it a country who is superior to the East or Asian countries. Cultural relativism is defined as having norms and realities that exist subjected to a certain culture, and by which there are no universal norms that people are held to (Beghramin, 2015). For the sake of this argument, I am assuming that there is a certain degree of understanding for a culture, to judge another country based on their own subjective criteria. It is immoral, but has held and stopped international affairs with China. I acknowledge that there are certain universal morals, but I will be evaluating them based on the circumstances of how China dealt with communism and their basis of subjective and societal morals are more cultural relative and bound.
Historical Overview
America, during Eisenhower’s administration, was trying to recover from the Second World War. At this time, their political views were swayed to secure that Communism would not create America’s perspectives. Eisenhower initially stated that he would not sign or endorse a multinational human rights treaty (Donnelly, 2017, 366). Furthermore, this is what led to how the Bricker Amendment that stopped the Americans from taking up civil and political human rights or foreign influence (Kaufman, et al. 1988, 309). The main issue of both Communism in international affairs and preventing the basic human rights in the American congress was because of the Bricker Amendment (Donnelly, 2017, 366). The Bricker Amendment was considered to deter from what Americans viewed as “back-door Communism”(Kaufman, et al.
1988, 310).The self-proclaimed leader of the free world was acting as if human rights concerns
were undermined by the attack of Communism from the Soviet Russia (2017). For America, it was seemingly that to be anti-communist and anti-human rights and anti-international influence was subjected.
America’s room for anti-Communism is clear throughout the information provided.
America’s perspective for this kind of thinking has been demonized since the First World War. Communism/Socialism is a bad ideology and using it on a political level will never progress a country, while suspecting those Communist perspectives (W. H. D. R, 1948, 440). My perspective is not that Communism is the best approach to creating a country, my concern is when you put all proposed legislation and propositions, in a Federal senate, to a demonized Communist ideal just too legally and unanimously dismiss it.
China was more of a country trying to create good profit, although China was solely based upon a Communist margin, there were logical issues that constrained China due to a constant civil war that enveloped a country. While China was confronted with a civil war that desecrated the country, with constant civil war for power between countries, they still had to fight in the new World War, the second. I am not saying that these restrains or cultural relativism are any excuse to allow China to do whatever they wanted, but this is what Chairman Mao thought was right, in the given context, and by creating distant relationships with America greatly affected how China grew as a country (Pauly, 2012, 829). As China faced its greatest challenges as a nation, unsure whether they were to assert a Communism country, based upon many drastically different politics that enveloped China during the end of the Kuomintang Government, played a significant role in how China was to be rebuilt (Hookham, 1979, 170).
The wars that happened after the Kuomintang government was mainly because of two ideological giants that existed (Anstey, 1987, 316). The Communist Party of China was more of
a balance between the Russian and the America’s ideologies. With China having their own civil war of many different politics, Japanese people sat back and invaded China many times to gain power over China or at least assert a better relationship directly with the Chinese government (Civil War in China, 1924, 527). It was only then, that the constant struggle for a nation, China, became an issue for American politics.
With China under drastic disarray, due to the Kuomintang government, Peking government, Chairman Mao’s new Communism, Japanese people, and even the people uprising and using coup d’état as a way for Capitalist revolutions, China was certainly bound and constant civil war to a degree that is unimaginable (1924). America used this communist idea, their own perceived idea of Communism, that influenced countries like China and Russia’s ideal, and believed it would take over their country (Kaufman, 1988, 310). For America, Communism ideals were distraught and only could harm the country, even though China and Russia as a state have both succeeded through civil war.
In China’s defense against the use of America’s anti-Communism, I would argue Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs would be relevant for the development of China without American influence of anti-Communism, as to why Cultural relativism is relevant to the evaluation of China’s crisis (Johns, 2017). I am not saying that China did everything right and ethically correct, but due to Nixon’s presidential system and international affairs, that was China’s only option. I would argue being able to build a country in relevance with the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based upon a socio-psychology that defines the satisfaction of moving up the ladder of growth in an individual. The layers of the pyramid begins with Psychological – the sleep, rest, food, water, and basic needs that are required for a human being. The next layer is security- whether an individual has the safety, security, money and
personal wellness are evaluated at this level of satisfaction. The layer above is love and belonging, the sense of having relationships and how they impact a person. As a country, I can expand these relationships to the state level, because it impacts how a state is going to build itself when it has these levels satisfied. China was not going to take any understanding from Americans, especially when their policy is anti-Communism and their presidents were very
anti-Communist. This is why a heavier evaluation is required to understand a nation that is completely different from America. China was still building its own ability to supply water, food, basic security for their citizens.
To assume that a certain political structure was enough to be a part of the international community is irrelevant. Assuming to disregard China as an insufficient nation is like saying that to judge another person’s ability, disregarding the context of how they are, and the situation they were in to be politically capable is not an appropriate criteria. America’s assumptions and judgements can be equivalent to saying that they can hate other nations just because of what they think they believe. Let us assume a hypothetical, looking at Freedom of Speech. Let us also assume three different people. Two people at the national airport terminal. He is with his colleague chatting about an issue at work. The third person would sit back and listen to their conversation, named Bob. The two people who are chatting ends up saying a derogatory comment, such as slavery, homophobic, racist or cynical. The only other problem would be that Bob only heard the derogatory comment and nothing else in the conversation. Yet, Bob acts on this cynical ideology and tells a Terminal Special officer about it. To be able to act on this without situation or context would make any conversation very cynical. To think that because you had this idea of a person, because of a comment he said, without context or situation of the conversation, and to act upon this and tell an official because of what Bob thinks, is what is
cynical. My point is not that we should not repress phobic language, but without understanding why they talk about it or the context in which they are talking about is toxic. This scenario would be similar to America making assumptions based entirely because of the fact that China has declared itself to be Communist country. China certainly endured many political opinions and was only building itself to be able to handle the growing economy and globalization.
China already resisted the capitalist theory, Japanese rule, Chinese dynasties rule, and
far-right wing thinkers. China has already been brought back down to the bare minimum of what they had, due to all this fighting and a coup d’état, and whether it was sure going to be successful because of a communist ideal. For China to be able to develop a country to prosper so they can be concerned with other issues would be relevant to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. China also went through a famine for a segment of time, where even the basic levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs were affected (Johns, 2017). Therefore, having an understanding over a more thorough understanding of the issues that countries have had to deal with, which was cultural relativism and understanding why this was a problem. I am not saying that Cultural Relativism is an excuse for China’s actions and human rights violations, but when America begins to ignore another country based on what they think to be the conclusion of their political view and disregard them as so, which creates foundations for political and civil human rights violations.
How America created issues for China’s human rights. (Argument) In contemporary China, China was already having a war for what is now called People’s Republic of China. Despite all these attacks on China’s land to occupy, there were many distinct political changes. China was trying to change from a democratic to a communist ideological country, due to the change in government and the civil wars that were led from Japan after the First World War (Donnelly, 2007). At the same time, America was giving Turkey and Greece financial aid,
although they both have had civil wars that changed their respective governments (Merrill, 2006, 32). After the Tiananmen Square incident, China was evidently in killing their citizens, but America themselves stopped financial support for China’s actions (Donnelly, 2007). American initially stopped their funding, due to China’s action in the Tiananmen Square incident, but it was evident that it was also because China was communist. Greece and Turkey stayed away from a communist government rule, but America was still giving funding to China with Greece and Turkey. I am not saying that because America’s direct financial funding has affected China’s human rights, but it certainly played a role in denying China’s ability to build their country, then form proper policies for ensuring human rights. In relationship with Maslow’s Hierarchy, if a country cannot have food, water, or the basic security as a nation, they cannot build on aspects for self-actualizing and optimal qualities. Self-actualizing as in securing the demands of other nations’ through the United Nations councils, for example the human rights that grant every person in a state political, social and financial rights. Although human rights in China was a violation in 1949, the constant struggle trying to change ideologies after a civil war is evident in holding a country back from building a nation functional with human rights (2007). I am not arguing to excuse China for any of the atrocities committed, but if America was consistent with their support with nations, then there could have been better foreign relationships and negotiations to help build China’s human rights platforms. America and being one of the permanent members of the United Nations does play a big role in decision making towards China and building from its ideological and civil war (2007).
For the uses of Cultural relativism, it would change how America is looked at, as being the highest standard of morals (Kaufman et al. 1988, 309). America is using a universalism approach to critique China’s morals based upon what they believe are justified. This is why
America should have judged China’s actions on a more cultural relativist approach, rather than denying proper relationships based on what China says is Communism. I am not saying that cultural relativism is the greatest philosophical theory, I am arguing that China would be analyzed with a more understanding approach.
In the Asian values argument, Donnelly talks about how cultural relativism arguments are contingent and consistent to their specific cultures. He argues how the cultural relativist approach is inconsistent with their Asian values argument. He argues cultures have always changed and configured itself to what is relevant to current day societies, for example democracy and adequate governments. He argues that if Asians do something different back in the day, that Asians do not wish to change that they do now (Donnelly, 2007, 163).
My Asian values’ argument is not that cultures and human rights abuses are excused because they are of different cultures. My argument is that cultures can judge themselves, due to understanding of context and situation that culture is dealing with, rather than having other countries judge them based on universalistic approach. By having a West meets East argument of critiquing and judging each other’s leaders on the decisions they make, they make West look like the moral and cultural superior ones. Since Western countries think that Communism has affected them detrimentally. America’s universalism approach to Communism is a human rights’ hazard. My argument is more formulated on the premise that countries should be able to judge themselves, because they understand the situation, circumstance and how they are, rather than having countries use a Universalist approach to judge each other, disregarding a country’s critical problem. Because of Communism, America saw a need to contain it and ward against it. Cultural relativism is not excusing China for human rights violations, it is expanding America’s ability to critique and make judgements based on their perspectives.
In conclusion, I have looked at America’s perspective of anti-Communism, how
anti-communism was created and how taking a more cultural relativist perspective can change their analysis of China. Although these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
h these strained perspectives of anti-Communism began in the First World War, by keeping a universalistic perspective have harmed the progression to China’s human rights.
大家开始都想不通,号称“股神”,“华人巴菲特”的唐炜臻,怎么捅出这么个大窟窿,海外华人为之震撼,全球华人都茫然。投资人都懵了,震惊,绝望,来了一个180度的转弯,从100% 的相信到100%的不信,不知道为什么会这样, 唐炜臻搞什么名堂,投资人并不能想象和理会成功需要的过程,代价和艰难。投资的关键是未来不是现在,是人不是股票,所以,我想的都是未来,给大家的也总是未来的价值,我早就把自己变成为了投资人的投资工具,其实我们的投资人投资的是我,而不是普通投资和基金,所以,损失是暂时的。其中投资人也看到,并有深刻的体会利益一致的真正涵义,作用和意义。大家应该注意唐炜臻是一种独特的市场运作,而并不欺诈,不犯罪,不害人,是极端负责任的。是为投资人甘抛头颅,奋不顾身,为投资人闯的祸,而不是欺骗投资,大家应该仔细研究,认真思考。 话得从头开始讲,我在市场十多年,深知其中之艰难痛苦和奥秘。金融市场就是赌场,只有庄家才是永久的赢家,作为散户在市场上上当受骗,被奴虞和蹂躏,挨打,亏钱是经常的事,也是正常的事,散户不投不亏,只有极个别人在市场能够赚钱,也就是1%或者0.1%的人,能够保持连续不断天天赢利,十多年的摸爬滚打和做散户在市场的位置,劣势,痛苦,如何让投资人和自己处于不败之地,保持连续稳定的回报,我想到了一个万全之计,“坐庄”,我立志要成为庄家,用无系统应对所有不赚钱的系统,以一对十, 一对一百,外面的投资人买什么,我们可以卖什么,外面的投资人卖什么,我们买什么,用1% 的风险应对每一笔交易,想尽快彻底改变自己和投资人的散户位置, 其中,市场能力,资金量和知名度确定庄家的大小,我决心要做最大的,也只有我能做最大的。 我要迅速改变投资人和自己的散户位置的捷径和方法:一是通过实战演示,边说边做,并预先承诺未来的回报,迅速募集大量资金成为真正的庄家,通过各种方式表现自己的市场能力,广泛宣传迅速走到市场的前台;一是通过虚拟庄家风险小的位置,获得连续稳定回报吸引资金成长壮大。在没有大量资金的情况下,虚拟庄家位置就是把一天的波动幅度降低十倍几十倍,只要求1%和几的波动幅度,风险和回报,大多散户也就可以做到像庄家一样,做到连续不断赢利的目的,因为自己的经验,一个像我这样的精通市场的人,坐上庄家位置,做到连续不断的回报应该不是问题,今后钱一定会有的是,所以,没有把前面的一点点个亏损全部放在心上,为保护自己的投资人,我一开始并始终坚持负责投资人的全部风险。 如何才能达到迅速转变自己的市场位置,我想到完全改变传统的,常规的做法,先说后做,帐目不公开,为了让大家确信可以通过自己过去的互惠基金投资业绩,回报在30-50% 的实践和很多成功的故事,利用每周1% 这一庄家思想和理念,更重要的是极具魅力的实战演示能力开始融资,同时,为了防止和排除投资人的干扰,账目不公开,愿意来的,敢来的就来,不敢来的,自然排除在外,极力避免普通投资人卷入,最低投资15万加元。 果然不出所料,投资人非常喜欢这一理念和我积极丰富的市场经验,特别是我的操盘能力非常神奇和具有吸引力,人见人爱,这是我长期吸引资金的一个重要因素,我是靠平时的实战演示和演示盈利的口碑,每天用投资的未来价值吸引投资。即使在没有任何交易记录和投资人看得见的资金安全措施的情况下,仍然来了很多钱,短短三年时间融资近6000万美元,也算是历史记录, 如果没有为难之处,有实实在在的交易和资金做后盾,一定是多少个亿。我依靠的是市场和市场能力,不是任何人,谁能肯定今后不再创辉煌,几年后不是6个亿呢。 当时想到有的是钱, 我开始一时高兴,在2005年市场开始好转的时候,我并没有好好把捂机会按照自己这一1% 的庄家思想和理念做 (是历史性的重大失误),又弄起了单个股票,一跳一蹦亏了一点,后来有些投资人因为盯得紧,要求看交易记录和资金在那里,要知道资金安全和要对我监督,真是当时一时的失足成了千古恨,2005 年证券会对我进行过调查,请专业律师和证券会交涉,问题解决了。因为当时有些亏损,我的1% 的计划全打乱。2006年初,为了迎来新的局面,我想了个好主意,在多伦多举办了首届华人财富峰会,峰会以后一批新的客户近来,老的也有被其中的人拉走,说一个东欧人回报更高,每月8%,还有保证和监管,资金非常安全,我感到奇怪,也无赖,客户要求很多,回报要高,我还是坚持自己的提法和做法,最后还是获得了大家的支持和信任。2006年9月一位资深投资人的加入又迎来了一个发展高峰时期,但每周1%绝对不能满足当时的需要,全球股市开始大涨,特别是中国市场非常强劲,一天涨10%, 加之,还有我原来的亏空,我又不得不急于用股票去扳本。 我找了几只股票波动很大,以为可以尽快翻身,2007年4月,我急急忙忙买了一个从20几美元,一跌就跌到4-5美元的股票叫Dendreon Corp. (DNDN) 生物医药,觉得这只股票不错(一年以后它又回到了25美元), 它波动大,4-5 块钱的时候,我开始买进,我当时专门买卖波动最大的次级贷款股票,以为抓住了机会,人都贪便宜,我也不例外,包括Countrywide Financial Corp, 股票每天波动幅度在40-50%,本来想几天或者一个月一赚几百万,扳本以后就可以金盆洗手,账目公开,按照规矩踏踏实实做,实现我的1%的理论,可是一亏就是几百万,资本少,帐目不透明扳本难。 本来我的融资和操盘是分开的,用我原来的想法和策略融资应该很顺利,先融资,资金大了再操盘就会事半功倍,但因为有前期的亏损,融资和操盘被迫连在一起,让我想起来后悔不已。2007年全球股市一片繁荣的景象,疯狂得很,我给的每周1% 并没有足够大的吸引力,个别有经验和影响力的投资人想追求更高的回报和资金的安全,也打算从我这里集体撤资到中国去追求更高的回报,我又被迫冒险了走一回,2007年中旬,也就是最后冒险,一次买了上1000个道琼指数期货合同,价值上亿美元,妄想一天赚几百万可以尽早平定局势,有机会走向既定的轨道,一亏又是几百万,加上,因为不透明和投资人要求高的回报,个别人的强烈要求不能满足开始大量撤资,当时经历了一个非常艰难的时期。为了满足市场和投资人的欲望,我的对手在背地的跟我争斗,我还被迫不断提高回报率,一年的回报到了94%才平定下来,投资人不顾三七二十一,一味追求高回报,要求高回报,不分青红皂白,就是要,投资人不管能不能,有没有,现不现实,2007年的市场高峰对我压力非常大。好才,我下定了决心不再跟市场和投资人一样疯狂,停止了冒进和贪婪,坚决改邪归正,要保护投资人和自己,从现在做起。在实践中深刻认识到投资工具的波动幅度是风险的决定因素,而不是股神与否和市场判断力。 在一定程度上市场就是赌场,赌就会输,股神也不例外,没有人监督和铁的纪律,在市场上谁都会赌。漏洞会越赌越大,压力也就变得越来越大,最后赌了一次不管输赢,坚决停止这一危险行为,下决心以后确实停止了任何赌的行为,很多投资人也已经看出来我的控制力,是一件非常好的事,有了极大的转折和进步。2007年下半年以后,完全吸取了深刻的教训,发现控制风险的办法是控制账户的波动幅度,要严格控制在每周1%的波动幅度,平均每天0.2%. 按照1%的风险与回报理论做。所以,钱再没有亏到市场上,对投资人并不十分重要,但对我是一个巨大的成就。我集中了时间和精力融资,从微观的市场操盘转移到宏观的市场运作,在不断改善管理方式,请专人搞正规化和多元化,我已经开始在美国和加拿大跟证券会注了册,同时用笔杆代替枪杆子,用语言代替资金等非常规的措施,已经大见成效。实现了我事业上的历史性的转变和重大突破。2008年开始我完全走上了轨道,市场尽管出现大的危机和海啸,我在思想观念上,操作系统上非常成功地避免了市场的风险,钱再没有亏在市场上,并自己利用独特的市场演示能力,在海啸中乘风破浪,但因为大市场的特别原因,个别投资人又把资金安全问题提到在桌面上,加上竞争对手有针对性的策反,把刚好得到的成果又侵蚀,在2008年上半年几个月被少数几个人撤资累计近千万,下半年刚开始松口气,美国冒出个马道夫,媒体天天讲,月月讲,我在美国的投资人对市场非常关注,跟市场比较密切,马道夫事发以后,他们越来越担心并开始陆续撤资,因为宣传卓有成效和大量的实战演示,本来预期可以渡过恶劣的市场难关,已经到了2009 年初,几乎已经化险为夷,巨大风险已经基本过去,在市场崩溃以后 2009年本来还可以获得大资金和大量的资金,赢得历史性的机遇,一举定乾坤,确定我梦寐以求的市场地位,但在年前一个客户的十万的提款,突然改为百万,让我措手不及,资金提取开始出现故障,演变成挤兑,其实,我已经做到相当水平与高度了,大功就要告成,但是上帝一定要考验我。 第二届北美华人财富峰会和加拿大华人春节联欢晚会的举办是社会能力和市场能力的充分表现,它们为我在关键时刻赢得一个多月时间,在两会成功举办还没有得到收获前,我的金融市场操盘现场对公众和媒体的即时演示1% 回报独门技巧,没有达到预期 (每周100%)的目标,而不是1%的失误,引爆大规模挤兑和新闻事件。就在这一危机时刻和大众面前,我无意中本能地又一次充分表现出了真正的操盘能力和我的毒龙术,但人们已经不再关心我神奇的操盘能力,即使有也要被完全彻底地否定,一味要追问什么“股神”“华人巴菲特”钱在哪里,99% 在哪里,其实大多数钱早已被投资人取走了,现实是那么的残酷,大家要的是钱,不是对自己有用的操盘能力,忽视了可能,可靠的希望和巨大潜力。大多数人以为我失败了,没戏了,其实,我浑身积聚着巨大的能量和成功的奥秘,另外,我还为投资人做了一件伟大的开创性的事业,带头还钱。 大家都知道就在北美华人财富峰会之前后一个星期,从中国,从美国赶来的客人都亲眼目睹,我用100 万一个星期天天涨,赚了100多万,8天净赚2百1万。公开表演的一个星期100万一个星期因为没有99%, 要涨100% 才能达到所谓的1%。就在事发后,在一片混乱和大家都很紧张的形势下,大家亲眼目睹5个星期我创造了平均每个星期赚100万的记录,100 万一共赚500万,是什么能力和奇迹。本来世纪性的大熊市过后,机会何等难得,就是500万美元也是何等的珍贵,后来又成遗憾,几乎成为这500万的牺牲品,被人恶意利用和伤害。 另外,我在所有投资人的关注之下,证券会下交易禁止令之前三天从35完的帐户涨到44万,三天时间回报25%。后来,禁令以后,证券会发现我帮助好几个投资人的个人帐户一个星期,一个又一个翻番。证券会禁令以后,上百位投资人专门举行会议,到会的90% 的投资人签名要求证券会为我解除禁令,让投资人能够夺回损失,是正确的。很多人想方设法要学习我的操盘技巧和能力,有人不惜代价,直到目前为止很多人都想报名参加培训班,实战指导示范班,网上实战交易,希望学习和利用我的市场能力是件好事,投资人很多,生意人很少,股神只有一个。股神不是天上掉下来的,是一个人的天性+市场的实践+时间。 我融资靠的是正确的思想观念,思维方式,市场意识和运作能力(策划),更具体的是操盘技巧 失误是前期的风险管理,理想化 大家现在都知道钱是损失在市场和生意上,已经是过去,市场能力才是未来和希望,帐是死的,人是活的。从头来,一切不得不公开透明,全凭过硬的市场能力和责任心,包袱和压力没了,我可以专心致志,全心全意为投资人赚钱还钱,是多好的机会。 投资人读完这篇文章以后,反应一定非常很大,为什么不按规矩出牌,不及时及早公布投资真相,不老老实实做人,不认认真真办事,为什么要让我们投资人受骗上当,而不知其中的奥秘,是为了投资人你们的利益和未来,没有人这么做,更没有人做这么好,其实,没有人喜欢上当受骗的感觉,更不愿意接受损失,但是投资要有收获没有不上当的,投资到处是陷阱,特别是市场,只有我是善意的,风险和利益跟投资人是一致的,我是爱护,也是在极力保护投资人的。 毛泽东同志说“要奋斗就会有牺牲”, 投资一定有风险,我们的风险相比之下,是小的,暂时的,又算得了什么呢?我已经极力为投资人避免了风险,做得已经比市场好得多,只是在初级,中级阶段,没有完成整个过程。 如果不是历史问题,三年融资的就不是6 千万,而是6个亿,60个亿。本来几千万的损失很容易解决的,我心里有数,有每周1%回报的技巧和广泛的宣传,几个亿几十个亿也不是问题,市场很大。现在遗留问题解决了,几年以后没有什么能挡住我们前进的道路,为什么不是多少个亿呢? 要成就一番事业和一件大事,是需要付出的,我们的前途是光明的,道路是曲折的,作为带路人,领头羊,领袖人物,我自己的风险自然是最大的,因为市场,大家以经看到我受的损失,伤害最深。只有我是处处为投资人着想,为投资人我已经非常用心并冒着极大的风险,一步一步艰难走来到了今天已经达到了一定的程度和高度,人们只看到现状和暂时的结果,没有从出发点,过程和未来,以及最终的目的全面看问题,没有从总体上看问题,没有结合市场看问题,更不是从道理上看问题。 …大家开始都想不通,号称“股神”,“华人巴菲特”的唐炜臻,怎么捅出这么个大窟窿,海外华人为之震撼,全球华人都茫然。投资人都懵了,震惊,绝望,来了一个180度的转弯,从100% 的相信到100%的不信,不知道为什么会这样, 唐炜臻搞什么名堂,投资人并不能想象和理会成功需要的过程,代价和艰难。投资的关键是未来不是现在,是人不是股票,所以,我想的都是未来,给大家的也总是未来的价值,我早就把自己变成为了投资人的投资工具,其实我们的投资人投资的是我,而不是普通投资和基金,所以,损失是暂时的。其中投资人也看到,并有深刻的体会利益一致的真正涵义,作用和意义。大家应该注意唐炜臻是一种独特的市场运作,而并不欺诈,不犯罪,不害人,是极端负责任的。是为投资人甘抛头颅,奋不顾身,为投资人闯的祸,而不是欺骗投资,大家应该仔细研究,认真思考。 话得从头开始讲,我在市场十多年,深知其中之艰难痛苦和奥秘。金融市场就是赌场,只有庄家才是永久的赢家,作为散户在市场上上当受骗,被奴虞和蹂躏,挨打,亏钱是经常的事,也是正常的事,散户不投不亏,只有极个别人在市场能够赚钱,也就是1%或者0.1%的人,能够保持连续不断天天赢利,十多年的摸爬滚打和做散户在市场的位置,劣势,痛苦,如何让投资人和自己处于不败之地,保持连续稳定的回报,我想到了一个万全之计,“坐庄”,我立志要成为庄家,用无系统应对所有不赚钱的系统,以一对十, 一对一百,外面的投资人买什么,我们可以卖什么,外面的投资人卖什么,我们买什么,用1% 的风险应对每一笔交易,想尽快彻底改变自己和投资人的散户位置, 其中,市场能力,资金量和知名度确定庄家的大小,我决心要做最大的,也只有我能做最大的。 我要迅速改变投资人和自己的散户位置的捷径和方法:一是通过实战演示,边说边做,并预先承诺未来的回报,迅速募集大量资金成为真正的庄家,通过各种方式表现自己的市场能力,广泛宣传迅速走到市场的前台;一是通过虚拟庄家风险小的位置,获得连续稳定回报吸引资金成长壮大。在没有大量资金的情况下,虚拟庄家位置就是把一天的波动幅度降低十倍几十倍,只要求1%和几的波动幅度,风险和回报,大多散户也就可以做到像庄家一样,做到连续不断赢利的目的,因为自己的经验,一个像我这样的精通市场的人,坐上庄家位置,做到连续不断的回报应该不是问题,今后钱一定会有的是,所以,没有把前面的一点点个亏损全部放在心上,为保护自己的投资人,我一开始并始终坚持负责投资人的全部风险。 如何才能达到迅速转变自己的市场位置,我想到完全改变传统的,常规的做法,先说后做,帐目不公开,为了让大家确信可以通过自己过去的互惠基金投资业绩,回报在30-50% 的实践和很多成功的故事,利用每周1% 这一庄家思想和理念,更重要的是极具魅力的实战演示能力开始融资,同时,为了防止和排除投资人的干扰,账目不公开,愿意来的,敢来的就来,不敢来的,自然排除在外,极力避免普通投资人卷入,最低投资15万加元。 果然不出所料,投资人非常喜欢这一理念和我积极丰富的市场经验,特别是我的操盘能力非常神奇和具有吸引力,人见人爱,这是我长期吸引资金的一个重要因素,我是靠平时的实战演示和演示盈利的口碑,每天用投资的未来价值吸引投资。即使在没有任何交易记录和投资人看得见的资金安全措施的情况下,仍然来了很多钱,短短三年时间融资近6000万美元,也算是历史记录, 如果没有为难之处,有实实在在的交易和资金做后盾,一定是多少个亿。我依靠的是市场和市场能力,不是任何人,谁能肯定今后不再创辉煌,几年后不是6个亿呢。 当时想到有的是钱, 我开始一时高兴,在2005年市场开始好转的时候,我并没有好好把捂机会按照自己这一1% 的庄家思想和理念做 (是历史性的重大失误),又弄起了单个股票,一跳一蹦亏了一点,后来有些投资人因为盯得紧,要求看交易记录和资金在那里,要知道资金安全和要对我监督,真是当时一时的失足成了千古恨,2005 年证券会对我进行过调查,请专业律师和证券会交涉,问题解决了。因为当时有些亏损,我的1% 的计划全打乱。2006年初,为了迎来新的局面,我想了个好主意,在多伦多举办了首届华人财富峰会,峰会以后一批新的客户近来,老的也有被其中的人拉走,说一个东欧人回报更高,每月8%,还有保证和监管,资金非常安全,我感到奇怪,也无赖,客户要求很多,回报要高,我还是坚持自己的提法和做法,最后还是获得了大家的支持和信任。2006年9月一位资深投资人的加入又迎来了一个发展高峰时期,但每周1%绝对不能满足当时的需要,全球股市开始大涨,特别是中国市场非常强劲,一天涨10%, 加之,还有我原来的亏空,我又不得不急于用股票去扳本。 我找了几只股票波动很大,以为可以尽快翻身,2007年4月,我急急忙忙买了一个从20几美元,一跌就跌到4-5美元的股票叫Dendreon Corp. (DNDN) 生物医药,觉得这只股票不错(一年以后它又回到了25美元), 它波动大,4-5 块钱的时候,我开始买进,我当时专门买卖波动最大的次级贷款股票,以为抓住了机会,人都贪便宜,我也不例外,包括Countrywide Financial Corp, 股票每天波动幅度在40-50%,本来想几天或者一个月一赚几百万,扳本以后就可以金盆洗手,账目公开,按照规矩踏踏实实做,实现我的1%的理论,可是一亏就是几百万,资本少,帐目不透明扳本难。 本来我的融资和操盘是分开的,用我原来的想法和策略融资应该很顺利,先融资,资金大了再操盘就会事半功倍,但因为有前期的亏损,融资和操盘被迫连在一起,让我想起来后悔不已。2007年全球股市一片繁荣的景象,疯狂得很,我给的每周1% 并没有足够大的吸引力,个别有经验和影响力的投资人想追求更高的回报和资金的安全,也打算从我这里集体撤资到中国去追求更高的回报,我又被迫冒险了走一回,2007年中旬,也就是最后冒险,一次买了上1000个道琼指数期货合同,价值上亿美元,妄想一天赚几百万可以尽早平定局势,有机会走向既定的轨道,一亏又是几百万,加上,因为不透明和投资人要求高的回报,个别人的强烈要求不能满足开始大量撤资,当时经历了一个非常艰难的时期。为了满足市场和投资人的欲望,我的对手在背地的跟我争斗,我还被迫不断提高回报率,一年的回报到了94%才平定下来,投资人不顾三七二十一,一味追求高回报,要求高回报,不分青红皂白,就是要,投资人不管能不能,有没有,现不现实,2007年的市场高峰对我压力非常大。好才,我下定了决心不再跟市场和投资人一样疯狂,停止了冒进和贪婪,坚决改邪归正,要保护投资人和自己,从现在做起。在实践中深刻认识到投资工具的波动幅度是风险的决定因素,而不是股神与否和市场判断力。 在一定程度上市场就是赌场,赌就会输,股神也不例外,没有人监督和铁的纪律,在市场上谁都会赌。漏洞会越赌越大,压力也就变得越来越大,最后赌了一次不管输赢,坚决停止这一危险行为,下决心以后确实停止了任何赌的行为,很多投资人也已经看出来我的控制力,是一件非常好的事,有了极大的转折和进步。2007年下半年以后,完全吸取了深刻的教训,发现控制风险的办法是控制账户的波动幅度,要严格控制在每周1%的波动幅度,平均每天0.2%. 按照1%的风险与回报理论做。所以,钱再没有亏到市场上,对投资人并不十分重要,但对我是一个巨大的成就。我集中了时间和精力融资,从微观的市场操盘转移到宏观的市场运作,在不断改善管理方式,请专人搞正规化和多元化,我已经开始在美国和加拿大跟证券会注了册,同时用笔杆代替枪杆子,用语言代替资金等非常规的措施,已经大见成效。实现了我事业上的历史性的转变和重大突破。2008年开始我完全走上了轨道,市场尽管出现大的危机和海啸,我在思想观念上,操作系统上非常成功地避免了市场的风险,钱再没有亏在市场上,并自己利用独特的市场演示能力,在海啸中乘风破浪,但因为大市场的特别原因,个别投资人又把资金安全问题提到在桌面上,加上竞争对手有针对性的策反,把刚好得到的成果又侵蚀,在2008年上半年几个月被少数几个人撤资累计近千万,下半年刚开始松口气,美国冒出个马道夫,媒体天天讲,月月讲,我在美国的投资人对市场非常关注,跟市场比较密切,马道夫事发以后,他们越来越担心并开始陆续撤资,因为宣传卓有成效和大量的实战演示,本来预期可以渡过恶劣的市场难关,已经到了2009 年初,几乎已经化险为夷,巨大风险已经基本过去,在市场崩溃以后 2009年本来还可以获得大资金和大量的资金,赢得历史性的机遇,一举定乾坤,确定我梦寐以求的市场地位,但在年前一个客户的十万的提款,突然改为百万,让我措手不及,资金提取开始出现故障,演变成挤兑,其实,我已经做到相当水平与高度了,大功就要告成,但是上帝一定要考验我。 第二届北美华人财富峰会和加拿大华人春节联欢晚会的举办是社会能力和市场能力的充分表现,它们为我在关键时刻赢得一个多月时间,在两会成功举办还没有得到收获前,我的金融市场操盘现场对公众和媒体的即时演示1% 回报独门技巧,没有达到预期 (每周100%)的目标,而不是1%的失误,引爆大规模挤兑和新闻事件。就在这一危机时刻和大众面前,我无意中本能地又一次充分表现出了真正的操盘能力和我的毒龙术,但人们已经不再关心我神奇的操盘能力,即使有也要被完全彻底地否定,一味要追问什么“股神”“华人巴菲特”钱在哪里,99% 在哪里,其实大多数钱早已被投资人取走了,现实是那么的残酷,大家要的是钱,不是对自己有用的操盘能力,忽视了可能,可靠的希望和巨大潜力。大多数人以为我失败了,没戏了,其实,我浑身积聚着巨大的能量和成功的奥秘,另外,我还为投资人做了一件伟大的开创性的事业,带头还钱。 大家都知道就在北美华人财富峰会之前后一个星期,从中国,从美国赶来的客人都亲眼目睹,我用100 万一个星期天天涨,赚了100多万,8天净赚2百1万。公开表演的一个星期100万一个星期因为没有99%, 要涨100% 才能达到所谓的1%。就在事发后,在一片混乱和大家都很紧张的形势下,大家亲眼目睹5个星期我创造了平均每个星期赚100万的记录,100 万一共赚500万,是什么能力和奇迹。本来世纪性的大熊市过后,机会何等难得,就是500万美元也是何等的珍贵,后来又成遗憾,几乎成为这500万的牺牲品,被人恶意利用和伤害。 另外,我在所有投资人的关注之下,证券会下交易禁止令之前三天从35完的帐户涨到44万,三天时间回报25%。后来,禁令以后,证券会发现我帮助好几个投资人的个人帐户一个星期,一个又一个翻番。证券会禁令以后,上百位投资人专门举行会议,到会的90% 的投资人签名要求证券会为我解除禁令,让投资人能够夺回损失,是正确的。很多人想方设法要学习我的操盘技巧和能力,有人不惜代价,直到目前为止很多人都想报名参加培训班,实战指导示范班,网上实战交易,希望学习和利用我的市场能力是件好事,投资人很多,生意人很少,股神只有一个。股神不是天上掉下来的,是一个人的天性+市场的实践+时间。 我融资靠的是正确的思想观念,思维方式,市场意识和运作能力(策划),更具体的是操盘技巧 失误是前期的风险管理,理想化 大家现在都知道钱是损失在市场和生意上,已经是过去,市场能力才是未来和希望,帐是死的,人是活的。从头来,一切不得不公开透明,全凭过硬的市场能力和责任心,包袱和压力没了,我可以专心致志,全心全意为投资人赚钱还钱,是多好的机会。 投资人读完这篇文章以后,反应一定非常很大,为什么不按规矩出牌,不及时及早公布投资真相,不老老实实做人,不认认真真办事,为什么要让我们投资人受骗上当,而不知其中的奥秘,是为了投资人你们的利益和未来,没有人这么做,更没有人做这么好,其实,没有人喜欢上当受骗的感觉,更不愿意接受损失,但是投资要有收获没有不上当的,投资到处是陷阱,特别是市场,只有我是善意的,风险和利益跟投资人是一致的,我是爱护,也是在极力保护投资人的。 毛泽东同志说“要奋斗就会有牺牲”, 投资一定有风险,我们的风险相比之下,是小的,暂时的,又算得了什么呢?我已经极力为投资人避免了风险,做得已经比市场好得多,只是在初级,中级阶段,没有完成整个过程。 如果不是历史问题,三年融资的就不是6 千万,而是6个亿,60个亿。本来几千万的损失很容易解决的,我心里有数,有每周1%回报的技巧和广泛的宣传,几个亿几十个亿也不是问题,市场很大。现在遗留问题解决了,几年以后没有什么能挡住我们前进的道路,为什么不是多少个亿呢? 要成就一番事业和一件大事,是需要付出的,我们的前途是光明的,道路是曲折的,作为带路人,领头羊,领袖人物,我自己的风险自然是最大的,因为市场,大家以经看到我受的损失,伤害最深。只有我是处处为投资人着想,为投资人我已经非常用心并冒着极大的风险,一步一步艰难走来到了今天已经达到了一定的程度和高度,人们只看到现状和暂时的结果,没有从出发点,过程和未来,以及最终的目的全面看问题,没有从总体上看问题,没有结合市场看问题,更不是从道理上看问题。 …大家开始都想不通,号称“股神”,“华人巴菲特”的唐炜臻,怎么捅出这么个大窟窿,海外华人为之震撼,全球华人都茫然。投资人都懵了,震惊,绝望,来了一个180度的转弯,从100% 的相信到100%的不信,不知道为什么会这样, 唐炜臻搞什么名堂,投资人并不能想象和理会成功需要的过程,代价和艰难。投资的关键是未来不是现在,是人不是股票,所以,我想的都是未来,给大家的也总是未来的价值,我早就把自己变成为了投资人的投资工具,其实我们的投资人投资的是我,而不是普通投资和基金,所以,损失是暂时的。其中投资人也看到,并有深刻的体会利益一致的真正涵义,作用和意义。大家应该注意唐炜臻是一种独特的市场运作,而并不欺诈,不犯罪,不害人,是极端负责任的。是为投资人甘抛头颅,奋不顾身,为投资人闯的祸,而不是欺骗投资,大家应该仔细研究,认真思考。 话得从头开始讲,我在市场十多年,深知其中之艰难痛苦和奥秘。金融市场就是赌场,只有庄家才是永久的赢家,作为散户在市场上上当受骗,被奴虞和蹂躏,挨打,亏钱是经常的事,也是正常的事,散户不投不亏,只有极个别人在市场能够赚钱,也就是1%或者0.1%的人,能够保持连续不断天天赢利,十多年的摸爬滚打和做散户在市场的位置,劣势,痛苦,如何让投资人和自己处于不败之地,保持连续稳定的回报,我想到了一个万全之计,“坐庄”,我立志要成为庄家,用无系统应对所有不赚钱的系统,以一对十, 一对一百,外面的投资人买什么,我们可以卖什么,外面的投资人卖什么,我们买什么,用1% 的风险应对每一笔交易,想尽快彻底改变自己和投资人的散户位置, 其中,市场能力,资金量和知名度确定庄家的大小,我决心要做最大的,也只有我能做最大的。 我要迅速改变投资人和自己的散户位置的捷径和方法:一是通过实战演示,边说边做,并预先承诺未来的回报,迅速募集大量资金成为真正的庄家,通过各种方式表现自己的市场能力,广泛宣传迅速走到市场的前台;一是通过虚拟庄家风险小的位置,获得连续稳定回报吸引资金成长壮大。在没有大量资金的情况下,虚拟庄家位置就是把一天的波动幅度降低十倍几十倍,只要求1%和几的波动幅度,风险和回报,大多散户也就可以做到像庄家一样,做到连续不断赢利的目的,因为自己的经验,一个像我这样的精通市场的人,坐上庄家位置,做到连续不断的回报应该不是问题,今后钱一定会有的是,所以,没有把前面的一点点个亏损全部放在心上,为保护自己的投资人,我一开始并始终坚持负责投资人的全部风险。 如何才能达到迅速转变自己的市场位置,我想到完全改变传统的,常规的做法,先说后做,帐目不公开,为了让大家确信可以通过自己过去的互惠基金投资业绩,回报在30-50% 的实践和很多成功的故事,利用每周1% 这一庄家思想和理念,更重要的是极具魅力的实战演示能力开始融资,同时,为了防止和排除投资人的干扰,账目不公开,愿意来的,敢来的就来,不敢来的,自然排除在外,极力避免普通投资人卷入,最低投资15万加元。 果然不出所料,投资人非常喜欢这一理念和我积极丰富的市场经验,特别是我的操盘能力非常神奇和具有吸引力,人见人爱,这是我长期吸引资金的一个重要因素,我是靠平时的实战演示和演示盈利的口碑,每天用投资的未来价值吸引投资。即使在没有任何交易记录和投资人看得见的资金安全措施的情况下,仍然来了很多钱,短短三年时间融资近6000万美元,也算是历史记录, 如果没有为难之处,有实实在在的交易和资金做后盾,一定是多少个亿。我依靠的是市场和市场能力,不是任何人,谁能肯定今后不再创辉煌,几年后不是6个亿呢。 当时想到有的是钱, 我开始一时高兴,在2005年市场开始好转的时候,我并没有好好把捂机会按照自己这一1% 的庄家思想和理念做 (是历史性的重大失误),又弄起了单个股票,一跳一蹦亏了一点,后来有些投资人因为盯得紧,要求看交易记录和资金在那里,要知道资金安全和要对我监督,真是当时一时的失足成了千古恨,2005 年证券会对我进行过调查,请专业律师和证券会交涉,问题解决了。因为当时有些亏损,我的1% 的计划全打乱。2006年初,为了迎来新的局面,我想了个好主意,在多伦多举办了首届华人财富峰会,峰会以后一批新的客户近来,老的也有被其中的人拉走,说一个东欧人回报更高,每月8%,还有保证和监管,资金非常安全,我感到奇怪,也无赖,客户要求很多,回报要高,我还是坚持自己的提法和做法,最后还是获得了大家的支持和信任。2006年9月一位资深投资人的加入又迎来了一个发展高峰时期,但每周1%绝对不能满足当时的需要,全球股市开始大涨,特别是中国市场非常强劲,一天涨10%, 加之,还有我原来的亏空,我又不得不急于用股票去扳本。 我找了几只股票波动很大,以为可以尽快翻身,2007年4月,我急急忙忙买了一个从20几美元,一跌就跌到4-5美元的股票叫Dendreon Corp. (DNDN) 生物医药,觉得这只股票不错(一年以后它又回到了25美元), 它波动大,4-5 块钱的时候,我开始买进,我当时专门买卖波动最大的次级贷款股票,以为抓住了机会,人都贪便宜,我也不例外,包括Countrywide Financial Corp, 股票每天波动幅度在40-50%,本来想几天或者一个月一赚几百万,扳本以后就可以金盆洗手,账目公开,按照规矩踏踏实实做,实现我的1%的理论,可是一亏就是几百万,资本少,帐目不透明扳本难。 本来我的融资和操盘是分开的,用我原来的想法和策略融资应该很顺利,先融资,资金大了再操盘就会事半功倍,但因为有前期的亏损,融资和操盘被迫连在一起,让我想起来后悔不已。2007年全球股市一片繁荣的景象,疯狂得很,我给的每周1% 并没有足够大的吸引力,个别有经验和影响力的投资人想追求更高的回报和资金的安全,也打算从我这里集体撤资到中国去追求更高的回报,我又被迫冒险了走一回,2007年中旬,也就是最后冒险,一次买了上1000个道琼指数期货合同,价值上亿美元,妄想一天赚几百万可以尽早平定局势,有机会走向既定的轨道,一亏又是几百万,加上,因为不透明和投资人要求高的回报,个别人的强烈要求不能满足开始大量撤资,当时经历了一个非常艰难的时期。为了满足市场和投资人的欲望,我的对手在背地的跟我争斗,我还被迫不断提高回报率,一年的回报到了94%才平定下来,投资人不顾三七二十一,一味追求高回报,要求高回报,不分青红皂白,就是要,投资人不管能不能,有没有,现不现实,2007年的市场高峰对我压力非常大。好才,我下定了决心不再跟市场和投资人一样疯狂,停止了冒进和贪婪,坚决改邪归正,要保护投资人和自己,从现在做起。在实践中深刻认识到投资工具的波动幅度是风险的决定因素,而不是股神与否和市场判断力。 在一定程度上市场就是赌场,赌就会输,股神也不例外,没有人监督和铁的纪律,在市场上谁都会赌。漏洞会越赌越大,压力也就变得越来越大,最后赌了一次不管输赢,坚决停止这一危险行为,下决心以后确实停止了任何赌的行为,很多投资人也已经看出来我的控制力,是一件非常好的事,有了极大的转折和进步。2007年下半年以后,完全吸取了深刻的教训,发现控制风险的办法是控制账户的波动幅度,要严格控制在每周1%的波动幅度,平均每天0.2%. 按照1%的风险与回报理论做。所以,钱再没有亏到市场上,对投资人并不十分重要,但对我是一个巨大的成就。我集中了时间和精力融资,从微观的市场操盘转移到宏观的市场运作,在不断改善管理方式,请专人搞正规化和多元化,我已经开始在美国和加拿大跟证券会注了册,同时用笔杆代替枪杆子,用语言代替资金等非常规的措施,已经大见成效。实现了我事业上的历史性的转变和重大突破。2008年开始我完全走上了轨道,市场尽管出现大的危机和海啸,我在思想观念上,操作系统上非常成功地避免了市场的风险,钱再没有亏在市场上,并自己利用独特的市场演示能力,在海啸中乘风破浪,但因为大市场的特别原因,个别投资人又把资金安全问题提到在桌面上,加上竞争对手有针对性的策反,把刚好得到的成果又侵蚀,在2008年上半年几个月被少数几个人撤资累计近千万,下半年刚开始松口气,美国冒出个马道夫,媒体天天讲,月月讲,我在美国的投资人对市场非常关注,跟市场比较密切,马道夫事发以后,他们越来越担心并开始陆续撤资,因为宣传卓有成效和大量的实战演示,本来预期可以渡过恶劣的市场难关,已经到了2009 年初,几乎已经化险为夷,巨大风险已经基本过去,在市场崩溃以后 2009年本来还可以获得大资金和大量的资金,赢得历史性的机遇,一举定乾坤,确定我梦寐以求的市场地位,但在年前一个客户的十万的提款,突然改为百万,让我措手不及,资金提取开始出现故障,演变成挤兑,其实,我已经做到相当水平与高度了,大功就要告成,但是上帝一定要考验我。 第二届北美华人财富峰会和加拿大华人春节联欢晚会的举办是社会能力和市场能力的充分表现,它们为我在关键时刻赢得一个多月时间,在两会成功举办还没有得到收获前,我的金融市场操盘现场对公众和媒体的即时演示1% 回报独门技巧,没有达到预期 (每周100%)的目标,而不是1%的失误,引爆大规模挤兑和新闻事件。就在这一危机时刻和大众面前,我无意中本能地又一次充分表现出了真正的操盘能力和我的毒龙术,但人们已经不再关心我神奇的操盘能力,即使有也要被完全彻底地否定,一味要追问什么“股神”“华人巴菲特”钱在哪里,99% 在哪里,其实大多数钱早已被投资人取走了,现实是那么的残酷,大家要的是钱,不是对自己有用的操盘能力,忽视了可能,可靠的希望和巨大潜力。大多数人以为我失败了,没戏了,其实,我浑身积聚着巨大的能量和成功的奥秘,另外,我还为投资人做了一件伟大的开创性的事业,带头还钱。 大家都知道就在北美华人财富峰会之前后一个星期,从中国,从美国赶来的客人都亲眼目睹,我用100 万一个星期天天涨,赚了100多万,8天净赚2百1万。公开表演的一个星期100万一个星期因为没有99%, 要涨100% 才能达到所谓的1%。就在事发后,在一片混乱和大家都很紧张的形势下,大家亲眼目睹5个星期我创造了平均每个星期赚100万的记录,100 万一共赚500万,是什么能力和奇迹。本来世纪性的大熊市过后,机会何等难得,就是500万美元也是何等的珍贵,后来又成遗憾,几乎成为这500万的牺牲品,被人恶意利用和伤害。 另外,我在所有投资人的关注之下,证券会下交易禁止令之前三天从35完的帐户涨到44万,三天时间回报25%。后来,禁令以后,证券会发现我帮助好几个投资人的个人帐户一个星期,一个又一个翻番。证券会禁令以后,上百位投资人专门举行会议,到会的90% 的投资人签名要求证券会为我解除禁令,让投资人能够夺回损失,是正确的。很多人想方设法要学习我的操盘技巧和能力,有人不惜代价,直到目前为止很多人都想报名参加培训班,实战指导示范班,网上实战交易,希望学习和利用我的市场能力是件好事,投资人很多,生意人很少,股神只有一个。股神不是天上掉下来的,是一个人的天性+市场的实践+时间。 我融资靠的是正确的思想观念,思维方式,市场意识和运作能力(策划),更具体的是操盘技巧 失误是前期的风险管理,理想化 大家现在都知道钱是损失在市场和生意上,已经是过去,市场能力才是未来和希望,帐是死的,人是活的。从头来,一切不得不公开透明,全凭过硬的市场能力和责任心,包袱和压力没了,我可以专心致志,全心全意为投资人赚钱还钱,是多好的机会。 投资人读完这篇文章以后,反应一定非常很大,为什么不按规矩出牌,不及时及早公布投资真相,不老老实实做人,不认认真真办事,为什么要让我们投资人受骗上当,而不知其中的奥秘,是为了投资人你们的利益和未来,没有人这么做,更没有人做这么好,其实,没有人喜欢上当受骗的感觉,更不愿意接受损失,但是投资要有收获没有不上当的,投资到处是陷阱,特别是市场,只有我是善意的,风险和利益跟投资人是一致的,我是爱护,也是在极力保护投资人的。 毛泽东同志说“要奋斗就会有牺牲”, 投资一定有风险,我们的风险相比之下,是小的,暂时的,又算得了什么呢?我已经极力为投资人避免了风险,做得已经比市场好得多,只是在初级,中级阶段,没有完成整个过程。 如果不是历史问题,三年融资的就不是6 千万,而是6个亿,60个亿。本来几千万的损失很容易解决的,我心里有数,有每周1%回报的技巧和广泛的宣传,几个亿几十个亿也不是问题,市场很大。现在遗留问题解决了,几年以后没有什么能挡住我们前进的道路,为什么不是多少个亿呢? 要成就一番事业和一件大事,是需要付出的,我们的前途是光明的,道路是曲折的,作为带路人,领头羊,领袖人物,我自己的风险自然是最大的,因为市场,大家以经看到我受的损失,伤害最深。只有我是处处为投资人着想,为投资人我已经非常用心并冒着极大的风险,一步一步艰难走来到了今天已经达到了一定的程度和高度,人们只看到现状和暂时的结果,没有从出发点,过程和未来,以及最终的目的全面看问题,没有从总体上看问题,没有结合市场看问题,更不是从道理上看问题。 …大家开始都想不通,号称“股神”,“华人巴菲特”的唐炜臻,怎么捅出这么个大窟窿,海外华人为之震撼,全球华人都茫然。投资人都懵了,震惊,绝望,来了一个180度的转弯,从100% 的相信到100%的不信,不知道为什么会这样, 唐炜臻搞什么名堂,投资人并不能想象和理会成功需要的过程,代价和艰难。投资的关键是未来不是现在,是人不是股票,所以,我想的都是未来,给大家的也总是未来的价值,我早就把自己变成为了投资人的投资工具,其实我们的投资人投资的是我,而不是普通投资和基金,所以,损失是暂时的。其中投资人也看到,并有深刻的体会利益一致的真正涵义,作用和意义。大家应该注意唐炜臻是一种独特的市场运作,而并不欺诈,不犯罪,不害人,是极端负责任的。是为投资人甘抛头颅,奋不顾身,为投资人闯的祸,而不是欺骗投资,大家应该仔细研究,认真思考。 话得从头开始讲,我在市场十多年,深知其中之艰难痛苦和奥秘。金融市场就是赌场,只有庄家才是永久的赢家,作为散户在市场上上当受骗,被奴虞和蹂躏,挨打,亏钱是经常的事,也是正常的事,散户不投不亏,只有极个别人在市场能够赚钱,也就是1%或者0.1%的人,能够保持连续不断天天赢利,十多年的摸爬滚打和做散户在市场的位置,劣势,痛苦,如何让投资人和自己处于不败之地,保持连续稳定的回报,我想到了一个万全之计,“坐庄”,我立志要成为庄家,用无系统应对所有不赚钱的系统,以一对十, 一对一百,外面的投资人买什么,我们可以卖什么,外面的投资人卖什么,我们买什么,用1% 的风险应对每一笔交易,想尽快彻底改变自己和投资人的散户位置, 其中,市场能力,资金量和知名度确定庄家的大小,我决心要做最大的,也只有我能做最大的。 我要迅速改变投资人和自己的散户位置的捷径和方法:一是通过实战演示,边说边做,并预先承诺未来的回报,迅速募集大量资金成为真正的庄家,通过各种方式表现自己的市场能力,广泛宣传迅速走到市场的前台;一是通过虚拟庄家风险小的位置,获得连续稳定回报吸引资金成长壮大。在没有大量资金的情况下,虚拟庄家位置就是把一天的波动幅度降低十倍几十倍,只要求1%和几的波动幅度,风险和回报,大多散户也就可以做到像庄家一样,做到连续不断赢利的目的,因为自己的经验,一个像我这样的精通市场的人,坐上庄家位置,做到连续不断的回报应该不是问题,今后钱一定会有的是,所以,没有把前面的一点点个亏损全部放在心上,为保护自己的投资人,我一开始并始终坚持负责投资人的全部风险。 如何才能达到迅速转变自己的市场位置,我想到完全改变传统的,常规的做法,先说后做,帐目不公开,为了让大家确信可以通过自己过去的互惠基金投资业绩,回报在30-50% 的实践和很多成功的故事,利用每周1% 这一庄家思想和理念,更重要的是极具魅力的实战演示能力开始融资,同时,为了防止和排除投资人的干扰,账目不公开,愿意来的,敢来的就来,不敢来的,自然排除在外,极力避免普通投资人卷入,最低投资15万加元。 果然不出所料,投资人非常喜欢这一理念和我积极丰富的市场经验,特别是我的操盘能力非常神奇和具有吸引力,人见人爱,这是我长期吸引资金的一个重要因素,我是靠平时的实战演示和演示盈利的口碑,每天用投资的未来价值吸引投资。即使在没有任何交易记录和投资人看得见的资金安全措施的情况下,仍然来了很多钱,短短三年时间融资近6000万美元,也算是历史记录, 如果没有为难之处,有实实在在的交易和资金做后盾,一定是多少个亿。我依靠的是市场和市场能力,不是任何人,谁能肯定今后不再创辉煌,几年后不是6个亿呢。 当时想到有的是钱, 我开始一时高兴,在2005年市场开始好转的时候,我并没有好好把捂机会按照自己这一1% 的庄家思想和理念做 (是历史性的重大失误),又弄起了单个股票,一跳一蹦亏了一点,后来有些投资人因为盯得紧,要求看交易记录和资金在那里,要知道资金安全和要对我监督,真是当时一时的失足成了千古恨,2005 年证券会对我进行过调查,请专业律师和证券会交涉,问题解决了。因为当时有些亏损,我的1% 的计划全打乱。2006年初,为了迎来新的局面,我想了个好主意,在多伦多举办了首届华人财富峰会,峰会以后一批新的客户近来,老的也有被其中的人拉走,说一个东欧人回报更高,每月8%,还有保证和监管,资金非常安全,我感到奇怪,也无赖,客户要求很多,回报要高,我还是坚持自己的提法和做法,最后还是获得了大家的支持和信任。2006年9月一位资深投资人的加入又迎来了一个发展高峰时期,但每周1%绝对不能满足当时的需要,全球股市开始大涨,特别是中国市场非常强劲,一天涨10%, 加之,还有我原来的亏空,我又不得不急于用股票去扳本。 我找了几只股票波动很大,以为可以尽快翻身,2007年4月,我急急忙忙买了一个从20几美元,一跌就跌到4-5美元的股票叫Dendreon Corp. (DNDN) 生物医药,觉得这只股票不错(一年以后它又回到了25美元), 它波动大,4-5 块钱的时候,我开始买进,我当时专门买卖波动最大的次级贷款股票,以为抓住了机会,人都贪便宜,我也不例外,包括Countrywide Financial Corp, 股票每天波动幅度在40-50%,本来想几天或者一个月一赚几百万,扳本以后就可以金盆洗手,账目公开,按照规矩踏踏实实做,实现我的1%的理论,可是一亏就是几百万,资本少,帐目不透明扳本难。 本来我的融资和操盘是分开的,用我原来的想法和策略融资应该很顺利,先融资,资金大了再操盘就会事半功倍,但因为有前期的亏损,融资和操盘被迫连在一起,让我想起来后悔不已。2007年全球股市一片繁荣的景象,疯狂得很,我给的每周1% 并没有足够大的吸引力,个别有经验和影响力的投资人想追求更高的回报和资金的安全,也打算从我这里集体撤资到中国去追求更高的回报,我又被迫冒险了走一回,2007年中旬,也就是最后冒险,一次买了上1000个道琼指数期货合同,价值上亿美元,妄想一天赚几百万可以尽早平定局势,有机会走向既定的轨道,一亏又是几百万,加上,因为不透明和投资人要求高的回报,个别人的强烈要求不能满足开始大量撤资,当时经历了一个非常艰难的时期。为了满足市场和投资人的欲望,我的对手在背地的跟我争斗,我还被迫不断提高回报率,一年的回报到了94%才平定下来,投资人不顾三七二十一,一味追求高回报,要求高回报,不分青红皂白,就是要,投资人不管能不能,有没有,现不现实,2007年的市场高峰对我压力非常大。好才,我下定了决心不再跟市场和投资人一样疯狂,停止了冒进和贪婪,坚决改邪归正,要保护投资人和自己,从现在做起。在实践中深刻认识到投资工具的波动幅度是风险的决定因素,而不是股神与否和市场判断力。 在一定程度上市场就是赌场,赌就会输,股神也不例外,没有人监督和铁的纪律,在市场上谁都会赌。漏洞会越赌越大,压力也就变得越来越大,最后赌了一次不管输赢,坚决停止这一危险行为,下决心以后确实停止了任何赌的行为,很多投资人也已经看出来我的控制力,是一件非常好的事,有了极大的转折和进步。2007年下半年以后,完全吸取了深刻的教训,发现控制风险的办法是控制账户的波动幅度,要严格控制在每周1%的波动幅度,平均每天0.2%. 按照1%的风险与回报理论做。所以,钱再没有亏到市场上,对投资人并不十分重要,但对我是一个巨大的成就。我集中了时间和精力融资,从微观的市场操盘转移到宏观的市场运作,在不断改善管理方式,请专人搞正规化和多元化,我已经开始在美国和加拿大跟证券会注了册,同时用笔杆代替枪杆子,用语言代替资金等非常规的措施,已经大见成效。实现了我事业上的历史性的转变和重大突破。2008年开始我完全走上了轨道,市场尽管出现大的危机和海啸,我在思想观念上,操作系统上非常成功地避免了市场的风险,钱再没有亏在市场上,并自己利用独特的市场演示能力,在海啸中乘风破浪,但因为大市场的特别原因,个别投资人又把资金安全问题提到在桌面上,加上竞争对手有针对性的策反,把刚好得到的成果又侵蚀,在2008年上半年几个月被少数几个人撤资累计近千万,下半年刚开始松口气,美国冒出个马道夫,媒体天天讲,月月讲,我在美国的投资人对市场非常关注,跟市场比较密切,马道夫事发以后,他们越来越担心并开始陆续撤资,因为宣传卓有成效和大量的实战演示,本来预期可以渡过恶劣的市场难关,已经到了2009 年初,几乎已经化险为夷,巨大风险已经基本过去,在市场崩溃以后 2009年本来还可以获得大资金和大量的资金,赢得历史性的机遇,一举定乾坤,确定我梦寐以求的市场地位,但在年前一个客户的十万的提款,突然改为百万,让我措手不及,资金提取开始出现故障,演变成挤兑,其实,我已经做到相当水平与高度了,大功就要告成,但是上帝一定要考验我。 第二届北美华人财富峰会和加拿大华人春节联欢晚会的举办是社会能力和市场能力的充分表现,它们为我在关键时刻赢得一个多月时间,在两会成功举办还没有得到收获前,我的金融市场操盘现场对公众和媒体的即时演示1% 回报独门技巧,没有达到预期 (每周100%)的目标,而不是1%的失误,引爆大规模挤兑和新闻事件。就在这一危机时刻和大众面前,我无意中本能地又一次充分表现出了真正的操盘能力和我的毒龙术,但人们已经不再关心我神奇的操盘能力,即使有也要被完全彻底地否定,一味要追问什么“股神”“华人巴菲特”钱在哪里,99% 在哪里,其实大多数钱早已被投资人取走了,现实是那么的残酷,大家要的是钱,不是对自己有用的操盘能力,忽视了可能,可靠的希望和巨大潜力。大多数人以为我失败了,没戏了,其实,我浑身积聚着巨大的能量和成功的奥秘,另外,我还为投资人做了一件伟大的开创性的事业,带头还钱。 大家都知道就在北美华人财富峰会之前后一个星期,从中国,从美国赶来的客人都亲眼目睹,我用100 万一个星期天天涨,赚了100多万,8天净赚2百1万。公开表演的一个星期100万一个星期因为没有99%, 要涨100% 才能达到所谓的1%。就在事发后,在一片混乱和大家都很紧张的形势下,大家亲眼目睹5个星期我创造了平均每个星期赚100万的记录,100 万一共赚500万,是什么能力和奇迹。本来世纪性的大熊市过后,机会何等难得,就是500万美元也是何等的珍贵,后来又成遗憾,几乎成为这500万的牺牲品,被人恶意利用和伤害。 另外,我在所有投资人的关注之下,证券会下交易禁止令之前三天从35完的帐户涨到44万,三天时间回报25%。后来,禁令以后,证券会发现我帮助好几个投资人的个人帐户一个星期,一个又一个翻番。证券会禁令以后,上百位投资人专门举行会议,到会的90% 的投资人签名要求证券会为我解除禁令,让投资人能够夺回损失,是正确的。很多人想方设法要学习我的操盘技巧和能力,有人不惜代价,直到目前为止很多人都想报名参加培训班,实战指导示范班,网上实战交易,希望学习和利用我的市场能力是件好事,投资人很多,生意人很少,股神只有一个。股神不是天上掉下来的,是一个人的天性+市场的实践+时间。 我融资靠的是正确的思想观念,思维方式,市场意识和运作能力(策划),更具体的是操盘技巧 失误是前期的风险管理,理想化 大家现在都知道钱是损失在市场和生意上,已经是过去,市场能力才是未来和希望,帐是死的,人是活的。从头来,一切不得不公开透明,全凭过硬的市场能力和责任心,包袱和压力没了,我可以专心致志,全心全意为投资人赚钱还钱,是多好的机会。 投资人读完这篇文章以后,反应一定非常很大,为什么不按规矩出牌,不及时及早公布投资真相,不老老实实做人,不认认真真办事,为什么要让我们投资人受骗上当,而不知其中的奥秘,是为了投资人你们的利益和未来,没有人这么做,更没有人做这么好,其实,没有人喜欢上当受骗的感觉,更不愿意接受损失,但是投资要有收获没有不上当的,投资到处是陷阱,特别是市场,只有我是善意的,风险和利益跟投资人是一致的,我是爱护,也是在极力保护投资人的。 毛泽东同志说“要奋斗就会有牺牲”, 投资一定有风险,我们的风险相比之下,是小的,暂时的,又算得了什么呢?我已经极力为投资人避免了风险,做得已经比市场好得多,只是在初级,中级阶段,没有完成整个过程。 如果不是历史问题,三年融资的就不是6 千万,而是6个亿,60个亿。本来几千万的损失很容易解决的,我心里有数,有每周1%回报的技巧和广泛的宣传,几个亿几十个亿也不是问题,市场很大。现在遗留问题解决了,几年以后没有什么能挡住我们前进的道路,为什么不是多少个亿呢? 要成就一番事业和一件大事,是需要付出的,我们的前途是光明的,道路是曲折的,作为带路人,领头羊,领袖人物,我自己的风险自然是最大的,因为市场,大家以经看到我受的损失,伤害最深。只有我是处处为投资人着想,为投资人我已经非常用心并冒着极大的风险,一步一步艰难走来到了今天已经达到了一定的程度和高度,人们只看到现状和暂时的结果,没有从出发点,过程和未来,以及最终的目的全面看问题,没有从总体上看问题,没有结合市场看问题,更不是从道理上看问题。 …
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